

Jennie's recipes

Monday 17 December 2018

Another job finished - finally

Lots of things to be tidied up/put away/dusted and I need to paint a short length of skirting board and the back of the door, but at least That Corner of our bedroom is finally no longer crushed raspberry!  There are stacks of Keith's clothes to go through and I am hoping to get rid of a few of the things he will never wear again.  The same can be said for the contents of MY wardrobe come to that! He also has a heap of "useful" holdalls and sheets of plastic, which somehow made it into the big drawers at the bottom of his wardrobe.  Neither piece of furniture will be going with us when we move - in fact, his Art Nouveau wardrobe was only bought originally to break up for the timber, because it is solid oak and Art Nouveau wardrobes weren't really in fashion that much then (probably well over 30 years ago) but hopefully a little more desirable now.  

We had the devil's own job trying to lift the tops back on (it splits into four pieces, only one of which, the central panel, is easy to handle.  We are still struggling to get the top bit that holds it all in place properly aligned.)  Keith also had quite a job effecting a repair on the base, where the corner has loosened, and there was a terrific smell of scorched wood when he was drilling it for dowels.  He made sure he used a quantity of his runny wood glue to "put any potential fire out"!!!

It has been a busy day, as there are so many jobs to catch up on which were sidelined when I was feeling much worse than I am now, including making up spare bed for G and D to sleep in at Christmas and scrubbing the sink and teak draining boards.  Yes, I should rest completely until I have shaken this virus off, but that's not really an option with Christmas in the offing.  I was hoping to get back to walking again, but no chance - though I have clocked up just short of 7000 steps around the house today.

Anyway, this afternoon I have been starting to do the tie fastenings on Gabby's quilt (using wool) but it's not a job you can sit down at as you need to try and get the layers of fabric as flat and taut as possible.  I watched a couple of River Cottage Autumn programmes (always a delight) and then sat down and rested whilst an Escape to the Country was on.  Then I bunged in some free range organic chicken portions in the oven for tea, and made a garlicky curry sauce for mine to try and fight this bug.  Needless to say Keith didn't have that!

Tomorrow - back to Gabby's quilt and I hope to get it completely finished by Christmas for her.


  1. I am sure everyone would want you around at Christmas and would pitch in rather than you be on your sick bed. Take it easy on yourself!

  2. The kids are cooking Christmas lunch! I'm MUCH better than I was but I've had this lurgy over 5 weeks now and it just won't give up without a fight. Other friends have it much worse and/or for longer, so mustn't complain. Tam's back before the weekend, for Christmas, so will help me then.

  3. I love the colour of the bedroom walls. We decorated our bedroom last year and bought new pine wardrobes, chests of drawers etc. and I had a massive clear out of my clothes. I was quite ashamed of how much stuff I had bought over the years and barely worn!!

    Do hope you shake off the bug soon.

    1. We both looked at the charts and pointed to that one, which is a sort of pale Forget-me-not blue and makes the room look SO much bigger (even though it's a big room to start with, about 16 feet square.) I know what you mean about clothes - you hang on to things, thinking you will wear them again (in my case, lose weight first) but it doesn't happen.
