

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 15 December 2018

Blowing a hooley here

Storm Deidre has appeared on the scene and has been wuthering around the house since late afternoon.  I for one am very glad to be indoors and relieved I no longer have my horses, as evening stables would have not been much fun in this, as the rain is coming down sideways and is icy cold.  Even going out to top up the bird feeders meant like dressing for the Arctic.

It was calmer when I went into town at lunchtime to fetch Danny and his mate Luke to come and shift our very heavy (solid oak) wardrobe for us so I can paint behind it and finally get the room finished.  I fed them, sent them home with most of a Dorset Apple Cake (I should have made two!) and then Keith took them home as I wasn't feeling my best by then.  I'm not sure if it's another bug or the virus we picked up in Oxford having one last blast, but I have been exceedingly tired these past couple of days and slept nearly 12 hours last night, which is unheard of!

We had planned to pop down the last car boot sale of the year tomorrow, but will take a check on the weather before getting dressed.  The weather pundits have forecast freezing rain and we have no intention of venturing outside our front gate if that is the case - living on a steep zig-zag hill we would end up in the river faster than you can say Jack Robinson.

Anyway, let's hope we wake up to more peaceful weather tomorrow.  Now I have bought some spray starch, I intend to start the home-run on Gabby's quilt, tieing (or possibly buttoning) the layers and then doing the binding.  Then I can breath a sigh of relief!


  1. It's a whopper of a windy storm here and crashing rain - Strictly on TV so I'm OK

    1. We didn't follow Strictly this year - not sure why, possibly because we didn't recognize anyone on it. I am sure you enjoyed it though, as it does draw you in. I see you are sharing our weather. I'm glad I'm not a bird out there tonight.

  2. Stay safe. Our forecast tomorrow is wind calmed and no rain and sun! Hope so - at the moment its 60 mph plus wind and rain.

    1. Gosh, this storm really is all over isn't it? I'm just coming up to bed and the wind has ceased now and I can't hear rain either, so perhaps the car boot sale is on in the morning after all. We'll see what it's like when we wake up. Hope you get lots of sun!

  3. Stay safe!! We've heard that friends in Dumfries and Galloway are expecting a foot of snow!

    1. We will, and you too. Glad we're not up in Scotland then - that's quite a lot of snow to start the winter with.

    2. We are in NZ until April.. avoiding winter!!

    3. Ah, a very wise move gz - enjoy back to back summers!

  4. Hope your weather will be better with no ice and a foot of snow.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

    1. Wet not icy (though the screen had been icy and needed clearing first thing.) Scotland got the snow - more than a foot too I think.

  5. It was a wild, wet and windy night, yet here we are today with brilliant blue skies, bright sunshine and much milder temperatures. I hope it is the same for you - and I also hope that that rotten virus has finally left you in peace.

  6. Touching wood - I am (shhhh) feeling better. I was very tired the past couple of days but then hit it with a high dose Vit. C and zinc tablet (the sort that you put in water to dissolve) and it whammed it into submission. Keith is now at that stage but taking some persuading to have the Vit. C. . . The gales dropped around bedtime, and it was just wet out this morning.
