

Jennie's recipes

Friday 21 December 2018

Getting in the mood for Christmas

Top and bottom - Christmas lights add atmosphere on dark winter days.  Solstice Greetings to you on on this, the shortest day of the year. We won't notice it at first, but the gradual lengthening of the days will definitely be obvious in a month's time.

We went out for a walk yesterday (the first since we've been poorly) and both really enjoyed it AND I managed our steep hill without too many problems.  We delivered cards to neighbours (all out) and were glad to get some fresh air.  Onwards and upwards now I hope.

Tam is back for Christmas now, and we shall make the wreath, and perhaps one for indoors too to celebrate the Solstice.  No baking done yet, but this weekend should see that happening.

Above and below: the first lambs of a VERY early season - these will be gurt big things by the time Easter comes round.  I think these are poll Dorset sheep - I think I recall that these can lamb twice a year.

Down by the river - water was cascading down here a couple of days ago.

The river's busy, but not particularly high.  You wouldn't want to fall in though . . .

Alder catkins unfurling.  Alongside the A40 going into town, the Hazel catkins are fully out and powdery yellow.

Playing with the settings on my camera to get some colour into the landscape.


  1. I am so glad to hear that you are back to enjoying your walks, always a good indicator, I find. The lambs look very sturdy already, must be the breed. I'm just about to set to with a little baking, once I finish my cup of tea and do a little more blog reading! Have a lovely weekend.

    1. I had a long one around town today too, after a poor night's sleep so think I will be asleep on the head of a pin by 9 p.m.! No baking done yet (bar cheese scones for the beef cobbler for tea, but tomorrow's another day. Hope you have a lovely weekend too.

  2. What a wonderful Christmas post today. Lovely !

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  3. Now I know why I was seeing catkins! Was just thinking the worlds gone mad when I saw them up the road. Glad you are better. I take it the lambs stay indoors!

    1. The ones along the A40 are fully out, pale yellow and powdery already, but it has been fairly mild - just a couple of frosty nights so far.

      These lambs have an open door on their pen and can go out if they wish, and some older lambs and their mums are out full time now. I think they must have arrived end of November, so well grown and forward.

  4. Belated Solstice Greetings :) Your Christmas lights look lovely and it is wonderful to see that little lamb. Glad to hear you are feeling better.

  5. Thank you RR. The lambs were very cheering to see, especially the Really Bouncy One!! he looked like he had pogo-stick legs!

    I am glad I am feeling better now, and my sense of smell is very slowly returning again (hooray).

  6. I've really enjoyed catching up with your blog. I hope you're fully on the mend now and I love Tam's quilt, it's gorgeous <3
