

Jennie's recipes

Friday 7 December 2018

Playing catch up

This wretched virus is still plaguing us and we have tried to rest up a bit this week, but even little jobs have knocked the stuffing out of us both.  Our eldest daughter is here for a few days (she works from home but has had to come into the office for two days this week), and it's lovely to have her here.

I am sleeping poorly - I was awake (fretting about something) in the night, so came down for 2 hours and finished sewing the binding on Tam's quilt.  Then I went back to bed, but it was 5 a.m. before I finally nodded off again and I feel somewhat bejeebered now.

Anyway, I have finally almost finished Tam's purple patchwork quilt. I finished the binding about 3 a.m. this morning . . .  I have a few ends to sew in, and a very short length of machine interlace stitching at the very end of a piece of sashing, and THEN I can finally get back to Gabby's quilt, which needs tieing and binding.

I  should get back to the final corner of our bedroom wall, to finish painting it.  We have looked at carpeting so hopefully by mid-January it will be finished.  The light blue walls make so much difference.

Right, I must get my last cards written and ready to post (I shall be glad when THAT is all done).


  1. I am writing cards after we have had our evening meal. Even that I find a real drag, how seasonal am I. Hope you are feeling better soon.x

    1. One year I did ALL the cards in January, put them away somewhere safe, and haven't found them yet! So I shan't be doing THAT again!!

  2. Cards and parcels sent, but I am way behind on my baking and so need to get that completed very soon.

    I do hope you start to feel better very soon.

    God bless.

    1. Baking? Oh golly gosh, not even given that a thought yet Jackie, so it's you and I both behind like the donkey's tail!!

  3. Dratted virus. I hope you are feeling a bit (a lot) better, or have at least had a decent sleep. Well done on all that sewing though, at least you didn't waste the time!

    1. I felt better - FAR better - for a day's rest, I have to say, and slept soundly last night, which helped too. I have never been one to sit and do nothing, so am normally sewing, doing a puzzle or similar if I am sat down. In the hours of daylight if I HAVE to rest, I will peel potatoes or apples on the sofa (I have a good system going!)
