

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 12 December 2018

The Patchwork Group Christmas outing . . .

This afternoon 4 of us from our Patchwork group set off for Calico Kate's WONDERFUL shop in Lampeter, and we were in there for about an hour and a half, stroking fabrics, oohing and pointing, and losing all willpower over the lure of patchwork fabrics . . .  

The shop has twelve rooms absolutely brimming with temptation - as you can see from the photos, amazing fabrics, and beautifully made quilts and wallhangings to give you an idea of what to do with some of the fabrics on offer. Oh my goodness - never has temptation been so TEMPTING!!

Alex, Monique and Pat finding the stitching on a work in progress.

I quite fancy making this simple table runner.

Above and below: this is what I bought.  I just couldn't resist it and then when I found the GORGEOUS Dragonfly fat 1/4 on the way out, that just balanced so incredibly with all the other colours it went into the pile too.  I'm not sure what they will be yet, but possibly a bag, and/or a table runner or lap quilt.

Another little indulgence, but not for me . . .

There could have been an alternative heading for this - Do Jelly Babies Do Tantric Sex?  When we had tea and cake after our shopping spree, we were talking about Christmas presents and I learned that there were all sorts of naughty sweets I'd never heard of before (Ann Summers has a lot to answer for!) but when we got to Kama Sutra Jelly Babies I nearly fell off my chair.  Oh goodness, we were giggling like teenagers - crafting is apparently really good for you, and even just crafters getting together has the same effect.  We were like geriatric St Trinians schoolgirls!!

As you can see, much fun was had and I am looking forward to starting another project early in January - it will probably be continuing with the Random Quilt I began here last summer.

Oh and before I forget - Tam's quilt is FINALLY finished.


  1. Oh Jennie, Tam's quilt is absolutely gorgeous. An heirloom and cuddle of her mother all wrapped up in love.

    Sounds as if you/the geriatric St Triniains had a grand time with the jelly babies! A good belly laugh never hurt anyone. As the saying goes laughter is the best medicine. You were restrained though only an hour and a half in 12 rooms of beautiful patchwork fabrics. I would have been there all day. BTW absolutely love your choice of fabrics. Gorgeous. So glad you had a lovely time. I am meeting up with some of my spiritual friends for a meal next Wednesday = we usually end up being in fits of laughter tooxxx

    1. Glad you like it, although I am aware of ALL its many faults and bodged bits, but when it's on the bed, they disappear into the background. I am looking forward to working on the Random quilt and finishing that, and then my Heirloom quilt with William Morris fabrics.

      We didn't get there until just before 2 or I think we would have been there all day. You want there to be a million hours in each day (and a bottomless pit of money) so you can do justice to all the gorgeous prints on offer.

      Have a good time with your Spiritual friends when you meet up next week.

  2. Lovely. Yummy. What fun. Many moons ago I quilted. Hand stitched round the images. So therapeutic.

    1. I didn't know you quilted too Jill. I agree how therapeutic hand stitching is.

  3. This brings back such lovely memories BB. I used to be a keen quilter before I developed my irritating shake which makes sewing so difficult. The temptation of all that material is totally irresistable.

    1. What a shame you had to give it up Pat, but I hope these photos brought pleasure rather than frustration. As you said - irresistible!!

  4. What a gorgeous quilt!! I love the colours.

    I really like the dragon fly fat quarter, and everything goes together beautifully. It will be a pleasure to sew up.

    God bless.

    1. I am going to use the dragonfly fat quarter as the main event and the rest to complement it. I am sure Alex will suggest a wonderful pattern to try. I can't wait!! May do that one in class and the Random quilt at home (as that is a straightforward one to sew).

  5. Oh, lucky you! (My granddad had a way of saying, "Heck, I make my own luck.") A shop with so much almost overwhelms me, but I think, for sure, I would have walked out with the dragonfly piece! Tam's quilt IS gorgeous!

    1. Glad you like Tam's quilt. She knows about it and has seen it - or I wouldn't put it on here of course. I am SO relieved to have finally finished it. Another vote for the Dragonfly piece!

  6. Those quilts and fabrics are beautiful, I snapped up two beautiful ones for the car boot for just £10, so much work had gone into them, I kept one and sold one.

    1. Well done with your finding those quilts. I have a Victorian velvet one found at our local car boot which I began to restore and MUST get back to.

  7. What a day! Lucky you with all that material to choose from, tantric sex jelly babies, what next?
    But you rightly say crafting is good for you and especially with people around.

    1. It pays to join a group - I am almost hefted to ours and it will be a real wrench to leave it when we do downsize. Perhaps we'll end up staying in the area, but further East would suit us better. Crafting is good for you on so many different levels. I saw that Japanese hanging and thought of you.

  8. I have spent many an hour (and many more £,s) in Calico Kates,s glorious extravaganza of all things quilty. It is an added bonus to have the wool shop just round the corner and the museum next door. I would love to find a quilting group near me. I have found another knitter who revels in colour so that side is covered. Love, love, love your fabric choices, it is great to find a dream team of colour and pattern in one fell swoop.

    1. It is always such a pleasure (and an indulgence!) to go to Calico Kate's but inspiring too. What a shame you don't have a local quilting group. You'll have to start one up yourself! I was lucky with the fabrics, though it was Alex (teacher) who chose that exact shade of green which sets it all off a treat.

  9. Tam's quilt is beautiful, she is sure to be thrilled and delighted! As to the shop with 12 rooms of temptation - I'm not sure I could cope with so much choice, but I would give it a go! What a brilliant outing. Now I must nip down to the pantry check on the box of jelly babies which I bought for the grandchildren...

    1. Thank you - these are definitely her colours.

      Smiling at your checking to see if the jelly babies are anatomically correct - or not!!

      I am definitely feeling more like my old self now, though the breathing is going to take a little while to get back to normal as still a bit congested, but I'm running on about 85% now, which is better than it was.

  10. ps I hope you are both feeling better.x

  11. Calico Kate’s is my favourite quilt shop in the whole world. I love the layout with all the adjoining little rooms and the sheer amount of fabric takes your breath away. I have a weakness for their Japanese fabrics too. Plus there is an excellent cafe next door. I am so sad that the Welsh Quilt Centre has closed for the final time but Calico Kate’s is a great reason to visit Lampeter.

  12. Ref. the Welsh Quilt Centre - well, nothing lasts forever, and those quilt displays were something else, to be cherished in memory. Calico Kate's was where my girls took me on my birthday this year, and I look forward to starting my William Morris quilt next year at class. It is an amazing shop.

  13. I'm glad you got that dragonfly fabric, it's perfect with the rest.

  14. Hi hart - it seems to be everyone's favourite and I just clocked it out of the corner of my eye and thought "PERFECT"! I wonder what I shall make with it all ?

  15. I travelled to Wales from Australia in 2014 and made a point of visiting Calico Kate’s. I had a great time, took lots of photos, bought lots of fabric. Sadly I was by myself. I will hopefully visit again in 2020 as my daughter is getting married in England. My quilting friend will be with me, so it will be much more fun. I have your dragonfly fabric in another colour way. Your fabric choices are lovely and soft and pretty.

  16. Lovely to see your comment and "meet" you Emmbee. You will have a wonderful time in CK's with your quilting friend - I hope you have a spare suitcase each with you for all that lovely fabric!! I didn't know that the dragonfly fabric came in a different colourway - oh dear, I can see myself looking for that next time I'm there!
