

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 16 January 2019

Quilting progress

This is a lovely design I bought a couple of years back (from the now defunct shop in Newcastle Emlyn I think).  I began cutting out the small squares for one of the borders on Sunday, whilst listening to the Archers Omnibus.  The pattern calls for 288 - 16 squares of 18 different patterns. As I found half a 2 1/2" charm pack I incorporated those too.  They are just 2 1/2 inches each square!  I couldn't get back to sleep this morning after waking up at 3.50, so after an hour I got up and came downstairs and baked a loaf and some Lemon Drizzle Muffins to take to my patchwork class.  I sewed a few Patience 9-patch blocks together but did all the rest at my sewing class this afternoon.  Next is the applique part.

To start with I put all the little squares in a boxfile, and have some left over so think I will probably make a table runner with them, in my spare time!  

Above - here they are all laid out, so you get an idea of the overall effect, and below, a close-up of one area to show you the fabrics used.

The sideways owls aren't sewn to the next block so just need straightening up the right way.

Finally - the Lemon Drizzle Muffins. O.M.G. they are DIVINE!!  I handed them round at class, but have to confess I have eaten . . . ahem. . . several myself!!


  1. You have got a wriggle on with that. Looking good. Love the choice of colours. Is this one for you or are you going to pass it on as a gift. Looks lovely. So do the lemon drizzle cakes. One of my favourites. Take care Tricia xx

  2. I'm on a roll with it right now. I couldn't work outside as planned this morning, so carried on with the wall hanging instead. This is a keeper, to dress a bedroom wall.

  3. Loving the quilting - and the cakes!

    1. Thanks Jill - the cakes were FAR too good and detrimental to my waistline!

  4. It's sad that that quilt shop is no more! We've lost so many here.. I have at least a 45 minute drive to a good one...
    The pattern is lovely! Can't wait to see it finished!!
    The lemon drizzle muffins look delicious.. I love to bake but don't do it so much as unfortunately, I eat it!
    Bitter cold here. I meet a friend to ride every morning at 8:30 am.. it was a challenge in our summer heat, but the cold has been worse I think... had to get a new heavy weight rug today as well as a fleece quarter sheet.. and this was to be a no dpend month..!

  5. Hi Lynda. I'm a similar distance from the REALLY good one here (Calico Kate's in Lampeter), but there is a small one in Llandeilo, where I went today.

    I will hopefully be able to hand quilt the feathering on the border - we shall see if I have time.

    Enjoy your riding out, but I think the next few days are going to be a good bit colder - I think YOU will need to be well rugged up too! Ooops about the no spend month. . .

  6. I love your dedication to patchworking, you make some beauties and the cakes look delicious. Sadly the secret of not putting on weight IS NOT TOO BAKE ;)

  7. You're right there Thelma. Normally I bake a cake, have a tiny slice and the rest gets given away. I always bake for Fairs and always give the cake away in slices to friends, and likewise if we have people round, they get given the rest of the cake. I happened to end up with 4 to bring home yesterday!

  8. I love all the fabrics you have chosen for the quilt - it is going to look beautiful :)
    Those muffins look delicious - I am afraid I would have eaten rather too many! Not baking here at the moment as my son and husband are on diets again :(

    1. Then I have a PILE of squares I cut out for the Random Quilt and which need using up but it will be a while or else everything will be Random Quilt coloured!

      No baking until we have another Fair. I'm trying not to use the oven anyway, as the small one is incredibly slow to heat up, so it has to be the big oven, which makes the electricity meter whizz round and we had our biggest electricity bill for years because prices have gone up so.

  9. Love homemade quilts and you make some beautiful ones. Unfortunately I'm not into sewing but really like crocheting. The muffins look delicious. Do you have a recipe? I also don't need to eat them but will taste a couple and then like you I give them to my family and friends. We are bitterly cold here today at -30C.. Good day to stay in and bake. :) Take Care! Judy

  10. Blimey Judy - Minus 30 deg!? That is blardy cold! To think I was complaining because there was a little bit of snow on the hills in the distance and a cold wind here today!

    I will write up the (amended to a lot less sugar) recipe and pop it on tomorrow so you can try it out.

  11. That quilt is going to be lovely. I like the colours you chose.

    God bless.
