

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 12 January 2019

Spotlight on Charm

The post heading is an old saying of my mum's (she had dozens!).  It came to mind today when I told Keith that I thought there was a lamp downstairs which had been packed to move to the "new house" (this was packed when we first decided we would have to downsize . . .)  There were two good ones, keepers, and then I found another NINE lamps and bits of lamps I had forgotten we had.  Some are commercial, others will go to auction. The antique onion glass ship's lantern above is a definite keeper.  In fact we have a red one (in stock) as well, so may keep that too . . .

This is a brand new hanging lamp which we bought when we were doing all the upstairs and outside lighting about the turn of the century.  Another keeper.

I'd forgotten we had this antique cast iron church sconce (which does have its brass oil well too and possibly a glass chimney - if one of the spares fits it.)  Its registered number shows it was made 1898/99 by a foundry called F S & Co.  It is worth selling, as it is the nicest one I have ever seen, so it will go along to the next Fair with us and if it doesn't sell, then onto Ebay.

Other sundry bits of lamp and another sconce, and there is a huge Tiffany-style modern shade wrapped in the old quilt.  Destined for Ebay/auction.

Below - a hanging lamp which has been modified to electric and has an orange glass chimney.  That's to go on Ebay too.  

A productive day as that is one entire cupboard emptied!  Tomorrow I intend to empty the pony stables and have a Trip to the Tip, and then put out there the unwanted china and non-perishable things from the Junk Room.  I have another pile of stuff for the charity shop, and two lots of books have gone to the Tesco charity table today.

Progress.  Getting rid of stuff is remarkably therapeutic - I don't have it there nagging me!!


  1. Some lovely light fittings there BB xx

    1. Yup, but I have hardened my heart and only two staying!

  2. Replies
    1. I shall feel even better after I've been through the pony stables tomorrow Pat.

  3. I love a good clear out. Unfortunately the DP does not agree.....

    1. In the past I have put stuff in the dustbin, and a day later, found Himself has taken it OUT of the dustbin!! But then again, we HAVE thrown stuff away and darn me, a fortnight later (after having this and that 25 years or more) what do we need? Yup, you've got it, exactly the bit of "rubbish" we've just chucked out!

  4. An oil lamp is the first thing I ever drew for art homework at school!

    1. Fancy that! I can remember always wanting to just draw horses! We did draw a cyclamen (for still life) and another pupil (life drawing) and I can remember a VERY bad painting of vegetables joined at the roots I did. How things come back - oh, and having a painting of a cafe terrace at night by Van Gogh described to us, and we had to paint it as we heard it . . .

  5. What beautiful light fixtures.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie. Let's hope we get to use the keepers in the not too distant future!

  6. Lovely, but I understand the need to move a few on. I bought a sweet 1970s clear glass bubble lamp from the Antiques Centre today (£25) which I fell in love with as it reminded me of all my mum’s 1970s glass which I sent to auction. I needed another bedside lamp for a guest bedroom and this is perfect to sit on a plain wooden tray (Muji) atop a Lloyd Loom laundry basket (found by my mum in a charity shop for £4 and upcycled by me using a lovely marmalade cat fabric from Designers Guild for soft toy storage many years ago). I love mixing things up! It took us four years to move - although we did have the diversion of making habitable the 18th century listed cottage in the middle of it all.

    1. Hi Sarah. All I can say is, I am able to let go of stuff a lot easier than my dearly beloved can! Your new-to-you glass bubble lamp will look lovely in your guest bedroom. They are very hip again now. The Marmalade Cat Fabric over the Lloyd Loom laundry basket will have transformed it totally : ) I like the sound of your 18th C listed cottage . . .

  7. Good job you looked in the box and found all those treasures.
    I could do with a standard lamp so I could put a daylight bulb in for Xstitching, not something you see in charity shops!

    1. Shame you're not closer, I have one here which is looking for a home! Bit too long to post to you. . . Perhaps a daylight bulb in an anglepoise would do the trick?
