

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Enjoying the sun whilst we can

Apparently it will be back down to normal single digit temperatures again next Monday, so we have been making the most of "summer in February" by working outside, and I got a lovely long walk in today.  I've also been gardening, but more of that later.  

My walk was across the bridge and along by the river, trying to get some slightly different angles.  I even climbed off the road onto the riverbank where I could (though it slopes towards the river a bit!)

This is where I climbed down onto the bank.  It was worth it.

Then a left turn up past Eisteddfa Farm, where this looked like a metal Praying Mantis!

Merlin's Hill.

View across the Towy Valley.

Primroses.  Less about this year - less Celendines too, perhaps due to the hot summer last year.

A long distance shot across our valley - what a view that farmhouse has.

The Italianate tower that is all that remains of Pantglas mansion.

Wild "Tenby"daffodils.

The river glissading over the stones.

The work in the garden is coming on slowly.  I try not to work too long in one position, so it's a bit of weeding and dragging grass and ivy out from between the currant bushes (much stretching involved) and then some sweeping in the yard, then a little digging in the veg plot.  I've cleared most of the fallen twigs and bits of dead wood from the rambler roses - it took 3 wheelbarrow-fulls though! It would be good if it kept dry a bit longer, even if it cools down, but it looks like we will have some rain on Thursday.  Drat.


  1. Beautiful vistas. Enjoyed the walk too!

    1. Glad you were by my side Jill. There are views whichever walk I take.

  2. A lovely walk in your part of the country! Thanks for the photos! It will be a few months before we see flowers. Our temperatures are improving somewhat but the snow is piled quite high. Take Care and don't work too hard. Judy

    1. Oh gosh, I'm not sure if I could cope with snow when it should be nearly spring, we hardly get any here. I find the gardening a struggle at the moment where I am so unfit.

  3. Beautiful walk!!!! Amazingly beautiful!

    Love all photos of moving water! Thank you for braving your footing, and getting all of these. :-)

    Your Feb. spring will be up soon, hu? Oh well, it was lovely while it lasted. And you have the photographic proof!

    1. Thanks Wisps. My husband went down that slope last week (and he's older than me) so I thought I could manage it and did.

      We have sunshine today but nothing like as warm, but it was nice while it lasted.
