

Jennie's recipes

Monday 11 February 2019

Help Yourself . . .

I can see I will have to repeat myself at the beginning of every post - don't bother trying to spam this blog since I moderate ALL comments and will ruthlessly delete anything from people who are anonymous and/or leave spam.  You can't hide it years back either as it shows in my comments.

Yesterday was a busy day (weekends are like that here) and we were up early to be on the road.  K needed to be in one place, an outing which clashed with Malvern Fleamarket and so my son and I ended up heading for Malvern together.  At least I got to drive there in daylight again.  Well, for the 2nd month in a row, I don't know why we bothered.  Perhaps if you were a private buyer you would be delighted at what was on offer, but as a dealer some of the prices were downright ridiculous.  Considering these people were stood in the middle of a very a wet field, with a fair amount of desperation (you don't do it for fun in that weather!) you would think the roof had just blown off Liberty's instead!  The rain had deterred all but the most determined (or desperate) and there was just one square of dealers outside - mainly the architectural antiques folk, whose stock didn't mind the rain, but the rest was like a French Brocante with so many French things it was hard to find anything British!

Once again, I bought just 4 things, so it was a bit of a wasted trip.  I have hopes for the Hobbs? Victorian cranberry pink and white spatter jug I bought, but tbh, I might have done better at a good on-line auction, despite delivery charges!

Danny was great company, and we drove home across the Herefordshire countryside into Powys, with a CD of an old band I met once upon a memory playing, and me singing along.  

When I got to bed I kept sleeping in very short snatches and then was awake for about 2 hours before finally dropping off, having one of Help Yourself's songs on a loop in my head, and driving along the A roads to the A40 in my head.

Today I have my hair dyed - or rather, tonally dyed.  I hope it turns out as planned!!


  1. I only live around the corner from the Malvern Flea fair but I don’t bother going anymore. As you say, it is overpriced.

  2. The summer ones are better, when there is more competition and less knowledge. We do much better at those Catherine.
