

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 23 February 2019


If you have ever listed anything for sale on eBay, you will know it can be time-consuming.  I have just surfaced from listing 6 chunks of antique furniture and I took about 80 photographs overall today of the various things I need to get listed this weekend (there is a special deal on over selling fees).  I am finally clearing out ALL my remaining horsey things, and need to shift a few book bundles too (if they still sell).  

So, this afternoon, rather than watching the National Hunt racing (though that's been recorded so I will catch up on it tonight), I have been polishing, photographing, measuring, making measurements have metric and imperial equivalents and then cubing them so I have a size/price for the courier plus making those eBay listings (which also require research as to pricing, wordage etc). 

The little yew-wood drinks trolley which hopefully will go to a new home soon.  (The mare and foal are staying though!!)

The day started with scrubbing out the inglenook downstairs in (what was) mum's kitchen, putting antique lighting and lightbulbs away in the cupboard, scrubbing the flagstone floor, vacuuming the carpet, and brushing the walls and sweeping and scrubbing the inglenook floor.  All that so I could use the inglenook to stage a couple of bits of furniture.  I have quilts and blankets to photograph and list tomorrow, but that's another day.  We need to get rid of a lot of furniture (and "stuff") before we can put the house back on the market, so we have rooms which - though they won't be minimalist - you will be able to see as they should be presented.

I did finally get around to making more soup today (been planning it two days now).  Chicken breast chopped and fried, and then the last 1/3 of a still very fresh packet of stir-fry mix from Sainsbury's (I couldn't face it 3 meals on the trot for tea!)  I added some spicy seasoning (Cajun I think) and it tastes very toothsome, though I say it myself.

The frogs have just about finished doing their thing out in my ponds, and there is masses of frogspawn to show for it.  I hope the tadpoles survive and don't all snuff it from a virus or something like they did a couple of years back.

I have now awarded myself the evening off - my Period Living magazine arrived today - which reminds me, I need to cancel my subscription as I only took one out to get the free Emma Bridgwater mugs . . .

ADDENDUM - having stripped the bed this morning and got all the bedding washed and dried, I had forgotten we hadn't made the bed up with fresh linen.  Nor had I ironed the warm flannelette set from last week I was intending to use (in preference to the lighter more summery duvet sets I have in the coffer).  So I had to iron that, and the sheet, then vacuum the bed (dust mite eradication) and then we made the bed up fresh.  I think I shall fall into it later!


  1. I lost the will to live several years ago when trying to list lots of craft bits on ebay. Took forever for very little return. Col had much more patience and often got rid of stuff that way. Since he died I've not used ebay at all - that's saved me hours!

  2. It's all the to-ing and fro-ing and checking I'd not left anything off, or bejeebered the postage, and checking other people's listings of similar things for prices etc. Yeesh - I can see why you got fed up with it too. Keith couldn't understand why I had been so reluctant to get started selling stuff, now he knows! We DO need to get rid of some big lumps of furniture though and auction prices are not encouraging, and of course there is commission on top, and VAT ...

  3. I would be exhausted after that lot. I will stick to local fb pages and freecycle when desperate!

  4. I think I shall sleep well tonight - too hot to sleep last night before 1 a.m. so tonight I fought back and had some organic wine . . . Up early so need to sleep! Some of the furniture I'm listing are tidy antiques so not freecycling THOSE!!

  5. Replies
    1. Aren't they sweet Pat? We've had dozens out there but it's starting to calm down a bit now.

  6. My daughter has started selling stuff on Ebay in a serious manner as well. Though in her case it is clothes, she has picked up a lot of knowledge as to makers and what to buy - seems to be enjoying it at the moment! Gosh what a busy day you had, and of course if you are selling heavy furniture there will be transport cost....

  7. Thelma - I wish your daughter luck. I have a few bits to sell clothing-wise too, but having had trouble with nowty buyers in the past, I'm not too keen on dipping my toe in that particular pool again. People try to find fault to get money off/back and I have met some truly OBNOXIOUS folk that way. The heavy furniture goes by courier - minimum seems to be £35 for something chair-sized up to a 60 mile radius. I'm glad I'm not listing wardrobes!

  8. Good for you, getting unused items, out of the house!

    Know nothing about this selling of them, though.

    We are trying to eliminate "stuff". I am, more than he is, but that's a long story. -grin- It's to family, which wants it. Or to Salvation Army. Or just chuck it. I know, I'd not have the patience, to do all that is necessary, to sell on the Net.

    Good luck to you!!!!


    1. Well, our house goes back on the market again this year Wisps, so I need to clear some space! We have run out of room for all the stock (furniture) which came out of our Unit.

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