

Jennie's recipes

Monday 18 February 2019

The car boot season is under way

Yesterday being Sunday, we checked that the car boot sale was on at the Showground and set the alarm for 5.45 a.m.  I have to say, I really did NOT feel like getting up as I was tired, but there's no point in going to a car boot sale later as all the bargains have gone, so we dragged ourselves out of bed and were down there for 7.15 (which, I have to say, it late by my standards - ideally you need to get there for 6.30, which we will later in the season when there is more daylight.

From one stall we found a selection of books - the top ones on spinning and dyeing are of course for me, whilst the two here are of interest to us both, but more Keith than me.  To be read and then passed on.

A selection of the same print in different colourways which had come from a curtain shop display.  I had to iron off the glued-on printed details on the back, but some had a tacky glue residue so needed trimming.  Into the patchwork stash they have gone.

I also got a couple of bits to go into stock, but there weren't many cars down there as it's so early in the season.

Today I am going to be listing a number of horse bits - time to have a complete clear out of my last horsey things.  THEN it will be excess furniture - need to shift some big lumps to give us more room.  

The shower room is virtually finished now - just one more coat of paint on two bits of boxed in pipes and the slate window slab needs rubbing down and oiling.


  1. Morning BB, glad you found some nice bits. When I used to go botting with my late sister in law we used to leave about 1:00pm and arrive for 2:00pm and they found a lot of their bargains by torchlight. I think the place they used to go to had a regular bunch of sellers that used to do this but it always meant an early start for us too and then we would be out until about 4:00pm. however I did find a lot of nice bits there. Have not been car booting for ages. Some nice fabric for the stash. Glad your shower room is nearly finished. Bet it looks fab. Very overcast here today and chillier than yesterday. Have a lot to do in the house in any event but it would have been nice to get out in the fresh air. Take care Tricia xx

    1. I got my fresh air gardening today Tricia. I didn't overdo things as not feeling 100% but more progress made. Did you mean 1 a.m. or 1 p.m. for the bootsales as you mentioned torchlight?

    2. Hi BB. Oohps that should have been 1:00am. We used to arrive about 2:00am and then were out and about seeing what the other stallholders were putting out. Sister in law reckoned it was the best time to get the bargains. Must say that I found one or two nice bits this way. The car boot we used to go to where possible was about an hour and a half away from Peterborough. I was just along for the ride really. Sister in law used to sell as well. Sorry you are not 100%. Please take it steady. Glad to hear you did not overdo things but even so. Glad the garden is coming together little by little. Take care Tricia xxx

    3. Good grief - what was the advertised starting time for that boot sale then?!! The ones here that say 7 a.m. start are usually 6.30ish,but if they are very popular ones, people will get there for 4 a.m. 1 a.m. just seems crazy!

      Feeling better after resting up all evening and watching a film which made us LOL lots ("Spy" - daft film, but can recommend.)

  2. Sorry to say that I am no longer a car boot fan. Having downsized when I moved here and taken all excess things to either friends, charity shop or tip, I dare not go anywhere near otherwise I shall start buying things again.
    I keep meaning to say how much I love your header. Also hopw much my friend loved the bag.

    1. A wise move Pat. I will have a proper scan of my spinning/dyeing books and only keep if adding something to the ones I have already. Glad you love the header - cheers me up no end. Pleased that the bag found the right home too.

  3. Car boot season underway down here too. - Lots of house clearance rubbish. I expect I miss the bargains as don't seem able to drag myself out before 8am!

    1. I am guessing the house clearance guys have to get rid of it somewhere - or do you mean people clearing their garages etc? It's the early bird that catches the worm, but it's hard to get up some Sundays!

  4. I am often awake before 6 a.m. and even out of bed and shuffling about the house, but heaven help us if I should need to be collected and in what passes as my 'right mind' to get underway at that hour!

    1. I have had mornings at the boot sale where I am somewhat groggy, but for some reason, I am always on the ball for Malvern, despite the much earlier start. am guessing excitement plays a role!

  5. I like to read about your ventures, but no way do I wish to join in!

  6. I take it you're not into fossicking through other folks cast-offs then Jill!! When we go to Malvern Fleamarket it is like a treasure hunt! Love it. Car boots can be dire sometimes though - people bring stuff and I think - I would think twice about wasting the energy putting a match to it!

  7. As always love the header. So beautiful.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. I never go to such sales. I know, I am an odd duck! LOL

    But I want to get rid of our excess "stuff." So I never want to see other's cast-offs. And be tempted to buy them, and thus add to our stash of "stuff."

    Just me! :-)

