

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Even wearier!

I had decided at the weekend that Tuesday was going to be Sort Out The Junk Room Day.  Oh my goodness, had I known I'd be at it for 8 hours I'd have done it over two days.

What really slowed me down was having to go through boxes of lesser stuff we had thought of taking to a car boot or two this summer (idea now abandoned), and washing, drying and rewrapping it to go off to auction instead.

You can probably just see a striped blanket to the left of centre.  This went in the washing machine and will be listed on eBay later today.  It's an old narrow-loom one which is worn thin and now needs selling for someone to make into place-mats or whatever.

Above is the pile of stuff moved to the back kitchen door to go back in - shopping bags, a couple of small chairs, and a couple of bags of used padded envelopes which I reuse to send the bits in, I am selling (slowly) on eBay.  So those all came back in the Junk Room afterwards.

Above - auction boxes and charity shop stuff.  The former temporarily back in the Junk Room until the auction are taking stock for the next sale.

Finally, much tidier.  The tall open-shelf cupboard at the back houses some of my fabric stash, craft books and magazines etc.  I took armfuls of the cotton fabrics up to my sewing room and have put it away in a plastic storage box up there.  Progress . . .  The stuff on the right is the auction stuff and I will be glad to see the back of that!

Needless to say I really overdid things and didn't help matters by having stripped the bed at breakfast time, and forgotten it needed vacuuming (to get dust mites off mattress - they're my no. 1  allergen) and making up with fresh bedding.  NOT good to discover that needed doing when we'd had our evening meal!  By 8.30 p.m. I was fit for nothing and fell into bed, but then woke half a dozen times in the night - you would think I'd have slept right through.

Now I'm going down to do some baking (recipes tomorrow) and it's my patchwork class this afternoon.

Anyway, I can at least say clearing the Junk Room was a job well done!  When we have a viewing later in the year all the boxed china can go out in the stables (planning for the house to go back on in April if I get all the jobs done in time - garden, painting etc.)


  1. Morning BB, At least you are tidy I still have a big room full to the gunnells to go. Funnily enough I was the same with the kitchen yesterday which I am still plodding through. Will have to get back tomorrow as out with a friend although it is wet, dreary and grey here today. I think my junk room will be attacked early on Saturday. I hope you have not overdone it too much. I did not sleep well either but I think that was down to the fact that I have mislaid my phone and am out today and I did not want to oversleep - I use the alarm on the phone. Its in the house somewhere it is just finding out where that somewhere is! Seems to be happening a lot me mislaying things. Hope the baking goes well and enjoy your patchwork class this afternoon. Take care. Tricia xx

    1. I would advise take your big full room a bit at a time - I am still on my hunkers this morning! I hope you didn't get soaked when you were out with your friend. Keith got a bit wet taking the stuff into the charity shop, but that part is done now - hurray!

  2. Oh BB, take a breath and take it easy for a bit. At least you can see the floor now, good effort.

    1. Spot on Louise - in 10 days time there will be a lot more of it showing once the stuff goes off to auction.

  3. Hello B&B Iknow this has nothing to do with your post today but would like your advice.I would like to buy a new sewing machine and am looking at the one you have.Is it as good as it looks and are you pleased with it.Kind Regards Rose.

  4. Hi BB! Your post reminded me of our attic that needs sorting. In April it will be 3 years in this house. Most of the items are for our kids (young adults). We have a transfer station in our little hamlet where you can donate used things. Our post office has a box outside for exchanging books. I told my husband a few boxes or bags a day. Slow and steady is best. Now we just have to get motivated. Take Care! Judy

  5. We've been here 31 years now Judy, our kids have all left home and left piles of their possessions behind (and are now adding furniture for us to store!), and when our respective mothers have died, we inherited stuff from them too. It's harden our hearts time!

    I like the sound of your transfer station in your hamlet (we live in a hamlet but no such facility!) We are passing on books we don't need to the donation table at a local supermarket, where they soon get rehomed. I have to admit, it's always a relief when something else GOES.

  6. AMAZING! Go you! That is a lot to tackle - no wonder it took so long! It looks great though! I bet it feels great too!!! The worst is when I do laundry and forget to put sheets on until bedtime - I feel your pain - HA! Annster's Domain
