

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Fun with weaving

Yesterday was the monthly gathering of our small group of local crafters who take it in turns to host a get-together, where we try something new or improve the skills we already have.  This week it was Sue's turn, and she hosted a weaving workshop.  The top photo shows her loom (a recent gift) and her current work in progress (very impressive).

On a table were various small looms Sue had made up so we could all have a go.  3 of us went for the square looms and Dawn chose the circular embroidery hoop.

Here are just a couple of the books which were for perusal.  Of course, I didn't find the couple I had until I got home (untidy so and so I am).

Above - my first effort.  The brown square in the middle was an attempt at making a shape in the middle of the weave, picture-wise.  It's fluffy at the top as that was a twist of brown Alpaca fleece, from curiosity as to how it would work.  I wasn't very adventurous!  Unlike Sue, below, who went really off-piste and introduced various different elements in her weaving.

Below - Lyn had found out the best way of rolling the yarn onto the "lollypop" which made weaving with it much simpler.

Finally - Dawn chose the circular "loom" and made this colourful piece with different textures (more Alpaca fleece from her Alpacas).

Then after lunch we went on to try a different sort of weaving for a scarf each.  Lyn used various long coloured ribbons of material on hers and modelled it afterwards.

I just used some chunky green wool and a thinner purple threaded through either side, then lilac  weave across it.  It's still a WIP but I plan to try and get it finished tomorrow, whilst I'm watching the racing.  I have a few ends to sew in too.

Here was Sue's using a black base scarf, and I forgot to get a photo of Dawn's colourful one.

We all had a great time, much chattering but an ABSOLUTE SILENCE of concentration when we were working on the looms!  I dare say we were all biting our lips too.  

Finally, this was my late friend Annie's Inkle loom, which I am going to get to grips with.  It needs to be re-warped, but I shall play with what's on there, take photos of how to warp it as it is now, and then start with fresh yarn.

Note:  tomorrow is a "ta-dah" day"!  Something finally FINISHED.


  1. I have always wanted to try and weave but never succeeded. It is lots more fun to craft when the ladies get together. So glad for the share.


    1. Hi Carla, and nice to meet you. Looks like you live in a lovely spot. I really enjoy our crafting get-togethers, this one and my weekly patchwork one. We have so much fun. I think weaving on a tiny loom (will put up a pic of that one -£1 at a car boot sale) is the way to get started. Much less warping up for starters!

  2. Well that was interesting I'm having fun on my loom, did anyone say anything about Tension? And what has happened to the lemony scones please ;)

    1. Lemony scones recipe will go on later today - Keith LIKES them (swoon, you know what he's like about anything "sweet" - aka "fattening") and I had to make some more, but used cinnamon this time.

      The tension would be on Sue's good/proper loom - I will ask her if you like, as obviously we didn't play with that. Have you tried Youtube? I use it all the time for quilting how to's and playing with my Inkle Loom.

  3. It looks fun and the scarves are so lovely. I look forward to the lemony scones recipe - they sound delicious although sadly I am not allowed to bake at the moment as half the family (not me!!) on a diet :(
