

Jennie's recipes

Friday 8 March 2019

Sunrise on another day

Sometimes you get days which end up being best forgotten.  Yesterday started off well, as I did all the machine stitching to put the binding on the Random Quilt.  It went to plan.  When I have a spare moment, I sit down on the sofa and blind-stitch the binding into place on the back.

Then I got changed and went downstairs to get on with some more painting (this happens every spring).  Down in what was mum's bathroom.  The cheap paint I bought was a waste of money as I was on coat no. 3 and it was still streaky.  I had asked K to get me some one-coat paint (odour-free) and he came back with a huge tub of odour-free water-based paint which was meant to do for woodwork or walls.  Hmmm I thought.  Anyway, I set to and I'll say this much for it, it dried quickly.  Unfortunately it didn't cover that well and I was soon another 2 coats down and STILL I wasn't happy with the finish.  I was getting very frustrated with the time spent painting when I needed to get onto the next job.  

One of the problems with having a blog that anyone can read is that you stay your hand when it comes to airing problems and worries, and so I shall spare you what exactly it was that my dear man and I had words over, but it was something fairly important and he thoroughly upset me.  So much so that I took myself off to Aldi's and bought myself a bottle of Organic white wine to calm me down.  We were at least on speaking terms again by then - a couple of hours earlier, if I'd had a bottle of wine about the place I'd have been tempted to smash it over his head.  Having a quick temper like mine never did anyone any good!  We have more or less sorted the problem out now, and the first glass of wine took the edge off my angst.  (I will admit to 3 glasses, small ones).

Anyway, the header photo and this one were taken this morning.  WHAT a beautiful sunrise.  It reminded me that it was the start of a fresh day and to put yesterday behind me . . .  I began it (after waking early) by sitting and watching several episodes I'd recorded of Escape to the Chateau DIY, which I thoroughly enjoy, whilst I (in a cat-free zone) sat and stitched my quilt binding.


  1. Wow! that sky is amazing. Sunrises are a bit hidden here and the sun was already up when I woke for the second time at 7. It's gone all grey now.
    Hope today is a much better day - and the painting goes better

  2. We face East, so I notice the sunrises - always miss the sun going down as there is only one window which opens that way and it's in the Junk Room, where the door is shut to keep the cats out.

    So far so good today - I haven't felt like clouting him ONCE!! Back to the paint pot now though . . .

  3. Beautiful picture BB. Hiccups happen. (It happens here too). I have a quick temper too. Glad you enjoyed the wine. Hope all is now quiet on the Western front. Your quilt is beautiful I really love it well done you. Things are a bit manic here. In the kitchen still scrubbing but am getting there and am finding things that I thought had put in the unit. Doh. Have to empty the unit next week that is going to take some doing. But there we are no peace for the wicked. Just hope I did a good job of being wicked! Right am off again. Catch you soon. Pattypan xx

    1. No hiccups today. It's a fairly rare occurrence but the root of this particular argument has been the same for quite some while. I shall enjoy the wine again tonight too! Everyone loves the colourways in this quilt. You will have your work cut out emptying the storage unit by the sound of things.

  4. What a beautiful quilt. I took your advice and ordered my machine Hope your day is better today.Rose

    1. Rose - I forgot to mention, you have a clear top over your bottom bobbin so you can see when you are going to run out of thread. I hope you enjoy yours when it arrives.

  5. Love the header photo. A glass of wine sorts many problems out.x

  6. Isn't it gorgeous? I got up at just the right time and my camera was to hand. I am looking forward to another glass or two of wine tonight, as I have to use the bottle up before it goes off don't I?!

  7. Such a beautiful sunrise. It must make your start to the day wonderful.
    Sometimes I try to take a photo but my phone camera always loses the pinks.
    I did post a sunrise on my blog today also.

    cheers, parsnip

    1. It gives you hope, seeing a pretty sunrise. When you look out and it's already pouring with rain it's harder to be positive!! Off to check your blog parsnip.

  8. I would like to meet the couple who can get through home renovation or home building without some fairly serious melt-downs! It may even happen to those cozy 'hosts' of DIY television. Knowing that much of the angst comes from being over-tired and stretched by things 'beyond our control' doesn't help in that dire moment of flying into a temper! [Ask me privately how I know that!] I suppose it might help to ward off explosions if we could take the longer view---but at the moment when we 'snap' its very here and now!
    On a brighter note--you have quilt blocks very like some of mine--fancy that! A sewing room for me is still a future achievement, but I will soon have a place to set up my sewing machine.

  9. Thank you Sharon - makes me feel like I am normal (or almost!) I will confess to the stress of having to get everything done in the next month or so before the house goes back on the market is wearing me down. The "things beyond our control" are definitely out there too, and the problem is one that Keith and I have been at loggerheads over for about a year now, although I think we may have finally taken a decision -whether or not it is the right one is another matter.

    I have been working on the binding for the Random Quilt today and got to the final stage - e.g. I need to join it! I am still gearing myself up for that but wouldn't mind betting I leave it until class on Wednesday. That said, I am now spot on with my corners!!

    I will get the sewing room sorted out next week, although carrying up the solid oak drop-leaf table from down in what was mum's kitchen is going to be an ask as it's blardy heavy!

  10. A very beautiful sunrise. Hope you have a better day and I would have resorted to a glass or two of wine too! OH and I these days often don't see eye to eye on things which can cause some pretty explosive rows! Hope you manage to resolve your problem satisfactorily for both parties.

    1. Argument sorted RR - it didn't take him TOO long to dig himself out of the pit I dug for him!! We're best of friends again now : )
