

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 18 April 2019

A brief gardening interlude

Just to let me draw breath before I do the next post - we have been SO busy here, working on the house and garden to get it up ready to go back on the market.  The garden is really taking shape now, which is a relief.

I did battle royal with the Paul's Himalayan Musk, 10 feet sprays of Brambles and their conjunction with Kiftsgate moving the other way!  Of course, it meant you could see right into the farmyard, so we put trellis at the back of the rose arbour, and stretched half a roll of weed suppressing membrane right across, and then bought two rolls of split bamboo. We are getting another tomorrow to finish off the left hand corner.  Now, I would have started left to right, but my Dearly Beloved wanted it done the other way round for some reason . . . so of course it was 2 feet too short . . .  I'm planting it with clematis, nasturtiums and other climbers to cover it quickly.

It looks a bit raw at the moment but I have some green wood stain I may slather over it to tone it down a bit.  We had to cut the Corkscrew Hazel back severely as it was taking over half the garden, and now have a bed beneath it I have planted up.  Against the green wire "trellis" we put up we have planted a Clematis Montana rubens on the right, and a later blooming white Clematis to the left (its name escapes me).  A whole bag of compost went on to tidy it up.

Today I have been carrying on ripping up the Yellow Archangel (Dead Nettle) which has romped its way round the garden and the top of the yard too.  Bloomin' stuff - won't have it in a future garden, that's for sure.  It had tangled with masses of Ground Ivy, and Nettles popped up too, so it's been quite a job digging them all out.  Anyway, these remaining plants are meant to be there and I've put a sack and a half of compost down and planted Gladioli - Purple in this bed, and White under the Corkscrew Hazel in the previous photo.

The Apple Tree bed has also been weeded and covered with a bag of wood chips.  It's costing me quite a bit to get it all up together for the new launch of the house on the housing market, but needed doing.

Have a lovely Easter.  I will try and make the other Wightwick Manor post at some point over the weekend.


  1. I am looking forward to seeing a link for when your house is on the market to the estate agents and pictures. Also Wightwick #2

  2. Hard work though, must remember to walk past Kiftsgate and Paul Musk roses at the garden centre though ;)

  3. Happy Easter! I finally made the lemon drizzle muffins and they were fantastic. My husband loved the muffins. Today when our daughter and son-in-law come for Easter dinner they can try them. Most of my baking goes home with the kids so I'm thinking I may have to bake some more real soon. Your garden is looking lovely.
