

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 15 June 2019

A day off - and checking out a house

We had a long-overdue and much-needed day out yesterday.  On the way, we visited the planning office of the Council for information regarding our driveway relocation and they were very helpful.  Then we went to view a property we REALLY liked the look of - and no details as I really don't want to hex anything as we fell in love with the house.  It ticked every box bar the space for Keith's "stuff" although there is a shed outside.

After our viewing we explored a bit - you know, those little narrow lanes going off into the hills and enticing you away from the sensible routes.  You can see it was well worth exploring - the Black Mountains are such a stunning area.

As you can see, the little lane was just one car width - we're used to that in Wales.

The rain held off, although the clouds were pretty spectacular.  

A bit of history on the way - I'm still trying to translate it, but I gave my Latin dictionary to the charity shop earlier this year (always the way) and can't read all of the words on this stone, which was close to a ruined chapel.

Then into Hay for lunch.  I couldn't resist a peep into the wee garden behind one of the shops, which is so tranquil with the sound of running water (left).  Whilst we went in Booths, I wasn't tempted to buy any books, and saved my money to spend some in the garden centre on the way home.  Photos from the garden on should appear on here on Monday.


  1. I know the Black Mountains area quite well as in my first marriage we had friends there. Both my first husband and both of my friends are long dead so it is a long time since I visited.
    What a sweet little garden - obviously made by someone who loves it.

    1. Ah, I have stirred some old memories for you then Pat. That little garden is the one belonging to/at the back of a shop which sells little knick-knacks and some garden things, and it is always do peaceful out there.

  2. pity you didn't go on Thursday and get to Hay weekly market!
    A lovely lane wander

    1. We would have done, if we hadn't had the Estate Agent booked in to see our house. Thursday is always our preferred day to be in Hay so we can have a wander round the market.

  3. What beautiful countryside and I adore the wee garden/house behind the shop. So very beautiful and green.
    It is very hot here in Tucson but only up to 102 today. Rather cool for us hahahahah but it will get hotter. monsoons start in July.

    1. I would find it hard to live away from the mountains since we've been in Wales.

      Gosh, it's hot with you. I think our cool (hell no, COLD!) wet June here would suit you well!

  4. Oh believe me, it is. Just breathtaking. Better when the sun's out though!
