

Jennie's recipes

Monday 24 June 2019

A Dealer's Day Off

. . . which isn't really a day off at all of course, as it involved the long journey to Malvern to visit the Antiques Fair there.  We didn't need to be up at the first Sparrow's fa*t though and set off at 7.30.  The countryside along our route is so beautiful and it was a pleasure to be driving through it.

There were quite a few outdoor stalls there this time - dozens more than when we went last year.  I spotted this colourful hexagon quilt and couldn't resist a photo.

Above and below: on the same stall, some beautifully worked Victorian/Edwardian pieces of needlework.  I loved the crazy patchwork above, but some of the satins on the other side of it were very frayed from age.

Inside wasn't very interesting (for us) this time - some nice things on offer but the stalls were quite a bit different - not such quality items (sorry folks) as last year, or when we did it a couple of years back - I think people aren't spending and so dealers drop out and ones come in with lesser stuff that they hope will sell.  It's happening up and down the country and we have certainly noticed with potential customers that arms are shorter and pockets deeper!

I took this photo of the Simon Leach bowl so I will recognize it if I see if going cheap anywhere!!  I have some John Leach pieces on my top table at the moment, but they're not going to fly out I don't think.  

An unusual little lidded jug which, considering the vendor only put a price on and no description, wasn't going to tempt me any more than a photo to remind me to look it up out of curiosity.  £36 seemed a little steep.

I've seen this artist's work before here - very Faery and Fae and Tolkien.

A general view of a stall which had some lovely dolls and children's things on.  The Dealer's elbow is on a box with several little old dolls in - small ones - but I didn't take a photo as they were behind glass.

Anyway, fingers crossed, my asthma is not TOO bad at present.  OK today, but I was rough last night and had to have extra medication but then that got everything under control.  Long may it stay that way.


  1. Constant battle breathing. Would a hand held fan work for you? Certainly been helping me. Interesting that you are not seeing sales. Its the same in the art world. No-one is buying.

  2. You have my sympathies. Back at home the Air Purifier does seem to help. We have some big fans and will certainly need those when we are at the Botanic Gardens Antiques Fair next month as we are in the huge Glass House where the tropical plants live! Last year we nearly roasted and temps were ridiculous - it made me very ill. I may get one of those little hand-held fans and give it a whirl. Surprisingly I was OK once my extra anti-histamine kicked in and have been fine all day today.
