

Jennie's recipes

Friday 7 June 2019

The Garden in June - Part II

WHAT a wet day this has been!  I can't say we didn't need the rain, relying on spring water as we do, but we have had about 12 hours of it and didn't have a chance to go and load the car for the planned car boot sale tomorrow.  Mind you, they will be awfully soggy underfoot so perhaps it's just as well we're not going.

It wasn't raining quite so heavily first thing and I managed a walk up the hill, watching about 20 Swallows swooping low over the hillside and when I neared home, several Blackbirds, Wagtails and Goldfinches were busy in our newly-shorn paddock.

Anyway, we had a visit from Middle Daughter, who put my mind at rest sorting out BT and McAfee for me, as I had problems with both companies so I elected her to speak on my behalf.  She brought a tasty lunch too, though it made sticking to my diet very hard.  Tomorrow I will have to Do Better!

Those were the good bits.  The bad bit is the Sky Box has decided to give up the ghost, and we phoned to cancel our subscription.  They obviously don't want to lose us as they are sending an engineer out tomorrow . . .

Anyway, the rest of the garden photos now follow:

The gorgeous deep gold rose by the gate which flowers all summer long.

This was a self-rooted baby just a couple of years ago - it's the one I call "Gelli Aur"as that's the estate it came from locally, but it's actually a Banksia rose, with a lovely perfume.

My lovely yellow Scabious has survived another winter.  Its Lain name sounds like something out of Game of Thrones:  Tatrian cephalaria. . . .  The light was just right for this photo . . .

I am not as good as remembering my Clematii as I am my David Austin roses, but this beauty is climbing up the cooking apple tree.  Like most of them it would have come from Morrisons supermarket and cost about £1.50 - you have to wait for them to grow but they reward you.

Paul's Himalayan Musk starting to put on a show.

A very fuzzy photo of my new Digiplexus foxglove.

Above and below: both David Austin roses but I've forgotten their names and it's far too wet to go out and check their labels tonight!


  1. Lovely photos and lovely flowers.

    1. Thank you Jill. I do love my garden at this time of year.

  2. Your flowers all look lovely! Kathy in Chicago, IL USA

    1. Hi Kathy - they look well despite my neglect!

  3. Not a fan of yellow roses but yours is beautiful and it blooms all summer, so wonderful !

    1. Thanks parsnip. That one is a stunner, I have to say, such a deep yellow ochre colour.
