

Jennie's recipes

Monday 29 July 2019

A busy week

We had back-to-back Fairs this weekend, one local - the other Malvern.  We went to bed early, but unfortunately my Montelukast tablet made my heart rate rise considerably - and for about 3 hours I couldn't get to sleep as my heart was going pitty-pat!  (It's a side-effect of the medication). So I was still awake just before midnight and I did NOT want to get up at 3 a.m. when the alarm went off!  Ah well, I lived to tell the tale but of course, am still very tired today.  I treated myself to a plant from this stall - which I have bought from regularly.  I nearly bought an Echinacea  (see plants at front edge of table - the colour I liked was the shorter purply pink half way along).  THEN I saw this Scabious (below) and that was it as far as I was concerned!  

I couldn't resist - Scabiosa "Barocca". 

We each took it in turns to have a "quick wander" round the other stalls, but it's impossible to sell AND buy and I didn't really need any more stock unless it was something special at the right price.  I spotted this patchwork quilt (£175) and thought it deserved a photo.

A stall specialising in garden furniture.  

Three French hens!  I liked this : )

Near to our stall was one with a huge heap of - clothing and bits of material, which started off at £3 per piece.  Later in the day it was £1 per piece - I had a look but there was nothing that screamed buy me and I wasn't dedicated enough to get to the bottom of the pile.  Later still, it was FREE, which encouraged me to go and look and I got a couple of bits of curtaining (one is a Sanderson fabric), the 100% cotton single duvet cover below, and above, this size 16 House of Fraser skirt - Price tags still on - originally £70, then half price at £45 and then it ended up with the nearby lady, in a field . . .  I liked it and decided once I have lost the rest of the steroid weight (2 lbs gone already), this will fit me . . .

We have had this lovely French "Onion" port lamp from a ship for over a year now.  I have always been worried about the glass getting broken (now we don't have a Unit to display it in) and so I have decided I am now keeping in - better having it whole and unsold than broken and unsold!!

These lovely copper moulds were originally mine, then I decided to declutter and put them out for sale, but no buyers, so now they are back on the dresser.  So much for downsizing!


  1. One tries! Hang on in there.x

    1. Thank heavens it's cooler now, and no pollen, and I am getting into the whole grain regime, using foods which help me heal. We always enjoy Malvern, but it's such a long day and takes us till about Wednesday to recover!

  2. I am trying to get rid of thing so nothing extra for me.
    Hope you feel better soon.

    1. You are obviously of stronger reserve than me, although I do have Keith at my elbow, saying "keep it"!
