

Jennie's recipes

Monday 8 July 2019

Never again!

I love my new header photo so much I'm going to have it done on canvas.  It will cheer me up in the dark days of winter.

We spent the weekend doing our favourite Fair at the Botanic Gardens. However, setting up on Friday was a hard task as it was so humid in there, but at least we weren't there more than a couple of hours before we could escape.  Saturday was overcast and it was warm but bearable.  However, yesterday was another matter entirely and I had to spend half the day sat outside, trying to breath - already maxed out on all my asthma medication, steroids included.  I have to say, I was scared by the feeling of suffocation - it was like working in a gigantic sauna for 9 hours . . .  I have vowed if we do this Fair next July we will take an outside tented stand - at least there is a flow of air then and it is half the price.  Customers were very thin on the ground and I have barely covered my costs, which is a pity.  I am not impressed by customers who try to bargain an already good price down by claiming I should lower it to what they want to pay because it is "the wife's birthday!"

I sell what is called an eclectic mix in the hope of appealing to the masses.  It failed this weekend!

Anyway, we need to unpack the car now, and then I will spent an hour totally repacking my boxes as I was past caring what went where last night - though it still took an hour and a half to take down the stall, pack it and load it . . .  I couldn't breath easily when we got to bed and my heart felt like it was doing somersaults and so I was still awake, exhausted, at 1.30.  Since I had been awake since 3 a.m. and up since 3.30 a.m. the previous night, I think I shan't be doing much today . . .  Sorry for the moan - feeling a bit sorry for myself at the moment.  I shall go and take an Ibuprofen as that was the only thing which seemed to help yesterday - by reducing inflammation I assume.


  1. I can imagine how you were and how you felt with the lack of fresh air. I felt similar, but not as bad as you. This hot, sunny weather is a nice change from the rain, but doesn't do me any good with the MS and COPD. I envy Jill being able to get to the prom easily to breathe.

    We watch Bargain Hunt and annoys us when the contestants aren't too happy with the reductions the stall holders give. They always want less.

    Have a better day today.

    1. Sorry you have MS & COPD. The last GP was wanting to write me off as COPD but I have proven them wrong and my peak flow (before all this kicked off) was way up to 550, which is 150 more than my best used to be. However, I am on more medication . . . I am planning some sea air this afternoon - a gardener meant to be coming this morning but hasn't turned up and damned if I'm going to wait around all day for him.

      The Bargain Hunt contestants always want the lowest possible price to stand a chance - I always do a deal, but make sure my profit margin isn't too dented.

  2. Now you know what summer in Pennsylvania is like!!! Hot and HUMID. Add in a few gnats for more fun. I go through TINS of fly spray before I can't garden outside past about 10 am....

    1. I have to say I couldn't live in Pennsylvania then Lynda! I would have to live an AC Troglodyte existence!! You have my sympathies. How long does the humid bit of your summer last?

  3. A lovely place...pity about the sales and the attitude

    1. Well, you will probably know about the attitude more than most, having been the selling side of things. When I was outside yesterday, someone came up to Keith and pointed at a piece of ceramics (1980s collectable kitchen witch I think) and said "That's not worth THAT" and then stomped off! If I had been there I would have found it difficult not to make a reply (when I am poorly I am on a short fuse . . .)

  4. Struggling to breathe in a green house sounds like hard work.Sorry it's made you so ill.

    I LOVE that set of little draws, don't know what I'd do with them though.

    1. Well, at least I don't feel guilty resting up today Sue, but I wish I could clear my lungs a little. Peak flow is good but it feels like I've got a really low reading. The drawers are lovely aren't they? Perhaps not spices as they're not sealed, but for little crafty bits they would be smashing. No - I won't go there - I can't keep EVERYTHING in my stock!

  5. Glorious as that mega-glasshouse is, I don't like being in it for very long in the summer, and I don't have any breathing issues! Why did they think it was a good idea to put stall-holders in there on such a hot day? We went to an antiques fair there years ago, and the only stalls were down in the courtyard.

    1. We are in there the rest of the year (we freeze in the winter as that's when they have the bloomin' windows open! It's done on a smarty-pants computer system . . . well, it may care for the plants, but not us poor humans. I think increasing numbers of stall holders need extra space. It certainly isn't ideal in the summer.

  6. I feel your pain! Been better here today no humidity problems. It is scary when there are. x

    1. I knew you would understand only too well Jill. Things have settled down a bit tonight, and I have managed a VERY gentle potter round the garden, dead-heading roses and then some lightweight watering round. Glad the humidity has gone where you are - I am so pleased to be in our lovely cool house which has been healing me.

  7. I love the new header photo :)

    You must have felt awful with all that humidity. I have noticed that when it is humid it makes my asthma worse :( I hope you feel better soon and can get a decent night's sleep.

    1. I will take a bow over this photo as I think it's one of my better ones and I LOVE wild flowers. I soon realized yesterday that a Jungle holiday would never be for me!! Keith was fine - it can never be too hot for him either.

      Breathing easier this evening and my lungs don't feel like they've been seared with hot water now.

  8. I love your header photo. Just the sort of thing I would have on my wall. Your eclectic mix looks so interesting. It's a shame people want something for nothing. We had the same experience last time we did a car boot sale.

    1. Thank you Jean. I buy things which I like - all I need to do is find someone with my . . . random . . . tastes! Car Boot Sales are the devil - you could have a price of 50p on something and they still want it cheaper!

      The trouble is people have seen bargaining on tv antique programmes and think they know it all. One chap said he wanted a dealer price - I thought, shall I tell him that dealers don't come round at 2 o'clock in the afternoon - they're the first on the scene (usually the day before!!)
