

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 18 August 2019

A Wander Round Brecon

We were in Brecon today, so I got to have a wander round, camera in hand.  Here's the start of my walk, close to the Indoor Market (just behind me).

This old building obviously has a different use in a former life - looks like it was a warehouse of some sort.

This is St Mary's church with its Perpendicular Buckingham Tower.  

A statue of Wellington (and Carmarthen's General Picton gets a mention on the back.

The Old Shire Hall became the Brecon Museum, still currently closed for complete renovation and extension.  It was meant to re-open last November I think, then it was April, now - who knows?

I have forgotten the name of this wonderful house.  Will have to try and find out which it is in the morning.

The old Mill on my way down towards the Canal and below, the not quite finished extension to the Museum.

Down by the Canal, this old building was ruinous back in the 1990s, when the Canal Basin was constructed (the canal once went a little further and ended in the builder's merchant's yard.) This was probably a sort of weights and measures office for goods on the canal boats.  Lots of ducks about today, some canoeists and a couple of narrow boats and others.

Beautiful cottages and floral displays.

I walked back along by the river, where this old house overlooks it, and below, this beautiful piece on a cottage wall.

I crossed the road to photograph this plaque.  I never knew that the bridge dated back to Elizabethan times (plus update).  Just shows how bad flooding can be on this river (the Hondu).

Below is the lovely Castle Hotel with a little bit that remains of the Castle.  The house behind that tree was for sale recently, but whoever bought it must have good flood insurance . . .

Looking back towards the town from the bridge, and below, some pigeons having their Sunday ablutions.

Above: looking back towards the Beacons , and below, our reason for being in Brecon - we were doing the Militaria Fair.


  1. Thanks for that. Found it really interesting. Another place I have never visited.

  2. I've always had a soft spot for Brecon. I hope you enjoyed your virtual tour Jill.

  3. It was a marvellous tour, loved the little cottages.

    1. It was very quiet as it was a Sunday, a few tourists about, but a pleasure to just wander.

  4. Thanks for the great photos.

  5. What a lovely place to visit.

    Love the photos.

    God bless.

    1. I think so. It's very quiet normally on a Sunday, but in August of course there are holiday makers and walkers around to liven it up.
