

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 25 August 2019


The Swallows and House Martins (I think the latter are still here) are forming disorderly lines on the power cables between our house and the farm.  My heart sank when I saw them as I don't want them to leave yet.  They have been flying around, getting higher and higher until they were out of sight.  Then some came down and sat at the top of the twiggy-topped Ash trees at the side of the yard.  They were chattering away whilst I picked Damsons and then some blackberries (both in the yard so I didn't need to go far).  

Before migration was known about,  country folk used to think they spent the winter in the bottom of ponds.  Hmmm - logic a little dim on that one I think . . .

Their chatter and swooping about brings me such pleasure and it's so quiet after they have left.  I can't wait for them to arrive in April - we had a pair on 7th April, then a singleton, but more must have arrived in early May as 3 birds didn't have THIS many youngsters!!!  I think the Swifts have already left - I didn't see or hear any in Hay last time we were there - and soon these will be heading South.  We still have warm weather heading up from that way, so I doubt they will want to fly into a headwind, so perhaps we have another week or so with them.  Safe journey.


  1. I am not ready for fall yet either. I haven't even been to the beach.

  2. We've been, but not for long, so I think we deserve a day out soon!

  3. It's fantastic to think that the adults leave first and the youngsters follow later,.

    1. Leading the way, one hopes, rather than abandoning!

  4. It is way too hot for me. According to the DP they are not going yet.

    1. It would be early for them to leave here - they should be here for another 2 or 3 weeks I hope. The House Martins are sometimes still raising a brood in September (well, at my friend's house they usually are) so they will perhaps be last to go.

      I hope you soon get some cooler weather. I've enjoyed it today - not scorching hot.

  5. Fall is really creeping up all over the northern hemisphere. Just not ready to say good bye to summer.

    God bless.

    1. I am hoping for a lingering Indian Summer Jackie . . .

  6. Always a sad loss the migration of birds. But you have so many, our swallows are fast disappearing.

    1. Most of them are from the farm buildings, and with all the dairy cattle, there are bound to be plenty of insects about.

  7. My sister (in Devon) has seen similar jennie, its less than a week to meteorological autumn, less than a month to astrological, so I guess theyre getting ready! Leanne x

    1. Hopefully just getting ready as I don't want to wave goodbye to them just yet.

  8. I am involved with Barn Swallow research here and most of our birds have left.

    1. David, welcome. Looking out today, I think we just have the last batch of juveniles still with us (25 or so) and unless I suddenly see evidence of them about the place, I think the older birds are on their way to Africa.
