

Jennie's recipes

Monday 12 August 2019

Some sea air

I had to see my asthma nurse this morning, and afterwards we went on to little Llansteffan.  Fortunately the tide was WAY OUT and the views fabulous.  As we often do, the outward walk was along the beach, down towards Scotts Bay, and then back along the cliff top.  Wish I could have stayed all day but Keith has a job to finish here.  Words aren't necessary - just enjoy the scenery.

I would have liked to walk right around into the river mouth overlooking Laugharne, but Keith needed to get back.

Looking across to Pembrey and then Rhossili Downs and Worms Head.

The end of the road - where the Cockle Pickers drive on to the beach, I assume.


  1. Beautiful. And no doubt the sea air did your breathing good as it does mine.

  2. I did indeed feel better for it! I would be happy to move near the sea from here but Keith would rather go along the Welsh Marches - much further from the sea : (

  3. Wonderful sea and sky photos BB! I can imagine how good it felt to walk along those sands. Let`s hope that a home nearer the sea is waiting for you, somewhere not too far away.

    1. Well, we shall have to see how it pans out, but I would really miss the sea if we go to Herefordshire.

  4. Such beautiful pictures.

    God bless.

  5. Just beautiful :) Love the clouds in the penultimate photo :)

    1. We'd love to live there but our son, who used to, said the river valley becomes a wind tunnel when there's a gale blowing . . .

  6. Lovely pictures!Gorgeous header photo. Hope your asthma is better. Judy

  7. Thanks Judy - asthma a bit hit and miss at the mo, so I need to concentrate on an anti-inflammatory diet.

  8. You will miss this area when you move eventually. Hope the asthma will improve, Autumn seems to be setting in.

    1. We will indeed. The beaches are amazing and if we end up in Herefordshire we'll be a long way from any beach!
