

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 7 August 2019

Wild flowers moving towards Autumn

Our beautiful river, down by the bridge.  Today I walked back half-way from getting the paper (my good man dropped me off). Unfortunately my legs were feeling "feak and weeble" after climbing up the steepest part of the steep hill behind the house yesterday and really didn't enjoy today's walk. I am very unfit from not being able to walk in June/early July.  I took some wild flower photos, so here are a few:

Betony, which I've also found in white along another lane locally.

Common Cow Wheat, which grows on the bank, beside the Betony, beside the river . . .

On our journeys, this wild flower (Rosebay Willow Herb) more than any other shows the passage of time from Summer towards Autumn.  When I see the flowers being spent and turning to seed pods of cotton wool, so that only a few flowers remain at the tip, my heart sinks as I know summer is spent.  Into autumn the foliage changes to beautiful bronze, flame and Lucozade-orange tints.

Leucozona glaucia - a POSITIVE ID of a hoverfly - these seem to love Umbellifers.

Regular visitors will know that this walk is being shown in reverse!  Here's the view up-river - water levels quite low at the moment.

One of the Hawkweeds?)  The leaves have confused the ID . . . Might be Common or Leafy.

Looking back across the valley.  The farm is the one by our house (you can just see the yellow of our South-facing gable end).  On the ground, only a couple of old farm buildings are visible from the house, but the Google Earth image is not an encouraging one for potential buyers as I doubt they even get to the Street View . . .  Can you tell I am feeling despondent?

Above and below: Hemp Agrimony.

The start of my walk - looking across and up the valley.


  1. Hugs BB, it is still a lovely walk and a lovely view and out in the countryside too. I feel more confident now you have changed Estate Agent x everything in its time and place. Can you pm me Tam's business link. I am interested and I am sure another friend of mine will be too. Take care sweetie and be kind to yourself. Tricia xx

    1. It's a beautiful walk. I am spoilt for choice around here and it is always one of the things I take into account when house-hunting. We feel more confident with this agent too - we got a full page spread in the Tivyside Advertiser last week - not that it has encouraged anyone to come and view . . . Will pm you Tam's business link on your blog.

  2. Beautiful. Pity you cant show your photos to potential buyers.

    1. When people put in our postcode,if they are travelling from Carmarthen, they are brought "all around the houses" over the back way - which we only use if the bottom road is flooded. The quick way in is along the stunning river valley, which of course they then miss.

  3. Beautiful photos !!is there anything that can be done about the photos to compensate for lack of google ones such as a street photo taken by you and sent to your agent to add to the description of your house on line.

    1. There isn't a lack of Google photos - there is street photo available, which shows the lane outside, and our gateway, and then the overhead Google Earth which I really wish wasn't shown as it gives such a false impression.

  4. Thank you for sharing your walk and lovely photos with us. You have such wonderful views.

    God bless.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the photos. Views wherever we look.

  5. How wonderful you can identify all these flowers.

    1. I've been interested in them since I was 6 years old. A neighbour's daughter was doing a wild life project for school and had to collect and name them, and got 6 year old me to help. I've been hooked ever since.
