

Jennie's recipes

Friday 11 October 2019

Busy in the kitchen - plus a divine cake

Swift post which may make you hungry.  Sorry to be absent but it has been a hectic 10 days and the alarm set every morning for one appt or another.  Yesterday, Eldest Daughter asked me to make these Pumpkin Pizzas - on the cover of the latest in-house mag from Tescopolis.  They are tied up with string, which was fiddly putting on and removing.  Dark colour is due to paprika egg wash.  Very tasty (inside is pasta sauce, mozzarella and pepperoni, chopped).  HERE is the link to the recipe.

Above is the Kale, Pasta and Cannellini Bean Soup from the same magazine.  Needed some oomph to it so will add smoked paprika or chilli flakes tomorrow. As you can see, mine turned out very thick, so needed letting down a bit too.

Above and below, the most DIVINE cake - Pear and Almond.  We have had the best-ever crop of pears this year - on a tree bought for £7.50 or so from Morrisons a few years back.  I am struggling to cope with its largesse.  Anyway, found this recipe in one of my books yesterday and can heartily recommend it.

Above - the Pear and Nutmeg Flapjacks. Personally - thought there was far too much Nutmeg -a teaspoon of it is approaching dangerous levels as it is toxic!  Seriously.  I would leave it out and use ground Ginger instead.

This is the book the recipe came from, by the way.

Here's a book I treated myself to recently - I love her work.  I was reading this during the night when I couldn't sleep (again).


  1. They look much too fiddly for my lack of patience! but very effective - well done on your patience!

    1. I was already tired before I started them too!, but I knew Tam really wanted to make them .. .

  2. The soup looks delicious, we need them as winter approaches. The pumpkin pizzas look cute but too much trouble for me.

    1. The soup needs a sprinkle of something oomphy but VERY filling. Pumpkin pizzas only fiddly when you get to the string bit!

  3. Replies
    1. If you don't have a pear tree, it is well worth going to buy some pears to give this recipe a try!

  4. Replies
    1. I succombed to another piece at lunchtime . . . one of my five a day!

  5. Yep now I feel hungry and all I have is some melon pieces!

  6. I have that cookbook, and i bought the stone circle book a week ago. I havent started it yet though, as my eyes arent great at the moment. xx

  7. Baking and soup etc all look delicious. I didn't realise nutmeg was toxic!!!! Although I would agree with you that ginger would be better although having said that I am rather keen on anything with ginger in it :) Enjoy the Elly Griffiths book - I adored it after treating myself to it on the kindle to read on holiday. I am pretty sure the next book has just come out. Do hope you sleep better soon.

  8. Apologies - have just checked I think the next Ruth story is due out early next year so am ahead of myself!!! :)

  9. Those pocket pizzas look wonderful as does your soup and the cake.

    God bless.
