

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 17 October 2019

Some fresh air . . . and a bee sting !

This is my walk in reverse.  I didn't go far - just up to the junction and back.  The river is dropping back to usual autumn levels, though it's been up and down with all the rain we've had.

I quite liked the foreground in this, with the river hurling itself seawards behind the ferns.

Betony, still blooming in October.

Above - our version of Nessie!! This tree has been jammed in the bottom of the river for several years now.  Below - the sheep that was washed down in the flood before last - it's been there about 8 or 9 days now, gradually blowing up with gas .. .

It was about this point that I felt a leaf fall on my hair.  I put up a hand to waft it off - and was promptly stung by a bee on my scalp.  My golly gosh it HURT.  Fortunately I had already asked Tam to come and pick me up at the bottom of our hill as I didn't want to push my luck after being off colour all week. When we got in she looked up bee sting on Mr Google, removed the sting (on my hairline) with a credit card, and then it was washed with soap and water, had a cold compress on and I took an anti-histamine and some painkillers.  I know, it sounds like I'm a right baby!  I shall never understand these people who have deliberate bee-venom injections for medical reasons . . . they must be tougher than me.

It has finally calmed down now but occasionally primps itself up and it feels like I've been stung all over again.   I feel sorry for the bee, as they die once they sting, but it shouldn't go about doing leaf impressions . . .


  1. Saw a lot of bees today feeding off a flowering hedgerow. Didn't get stung though.

    1. They are still feeding here too, though I did HAVE to finally take up the bed of Nasturtiums (but there are other flowers to feed on in the garden and hedgerows).

  2. Aww that wasn't a fun end to a lovely walk. Hope the sting has calmed today.

  3. Bee stings are so painful.
    Poor you, poor bee and poor dead sheep - bet that doesn't smell good

    1. I made it worse by touching it after I'd been stung, so that must have injected extra venom in. Can't smell thedead sheep (other side of river) but hope it gets taken out to sea soon.

  4. Ouch! I'd have been dosing it with everything I could find as well, although I'm not sure we have aany anti-histamine in the house.

  5. I have to say, the combination of anti-histamine and 2 extra strength Panadol quite stopped my brain functioning!

  6. Ouch. I have never been stung by a bee or wasp, and I hope never to be.

    God bless.

  7. Two weeks ago we had a HUGE number of honey bees swarm on the outside of the large cauldron in which I plant my herbs (of course it is in the flower bed at the front door!). Thankfully we have a friend who is a beekeeper who came and rescued them. It was quite exciting!
