

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 2 November 2019

Back on the steroids! Recipe for Apple, Pear and Ginger Mincemeat

Grrr.  Back on the steroids again.  I was trying so hard NOT to be but I've been on a downhill path since Monday when I did a walk up the valley and must have inhaled some spores (made smaller by that Biblical weather on the Friday/Saturday. They get deep into your lungs then. )

We went to Gloucestershire again on Thursday, intending to go to the Cathedral and see the Moon display there as an early birthday day out for Keith, but it soon became obvious that my breathing was getting worse and worse and once we had picked up something from the auction, we started to head back.  Some fresh air in Wotton helped, and staying off the motorway made a big difference - must have been particulates in the diesel fuel from the many heavies about then which made me worse.

I went straight on the steroids when we got back, and I saw the GP yesterday, but today I am worse again - which I put down to deciding to light the woodburner.  Wrong move.  Ah well, another lesson learned.  No lighting it again until I'm back to "normal".

I have been resting, but yesterday made up my Apple, Pear, & Ginger Mincemeat - easily done as you just stick it in the oven for 2 1/2 hours to slowly cook.  I had sat on the sofa a couple of days before, "resting" but cutting up fruit for the Mincemeat.  Here are some photos - it made 6 1/2 jars.

And below, here it is about to go into the oven:


Let me know if you can't read it and I will type it out for you. That's the main recipe, and here is the variation I made as I have loads of windfall apples and pears.

Finally, as I'd heard good reviews of this book, when I saw it on offer in paperback in Tescopolis, I treated myself yesterday and am finding it hard to put down.

It had me in tears though . . .  

Right, off for a bath now and an early night as I was awake until 4 a.m. this morning - the steroids do that every time.  Every other night I am wide awake.  Still, without them I would be in a very bad way - they are a necessary evil.


  1. Hate steroids too but they do the job. Hope you are better soon. Your mincemeat looks amazing.

    1. A necessary evil, I have to say. Peakflow back up to nearly 500 tonight, after a low of 360 on Thursday. Going the right way!

  2. Steroids are handy aren't they? I've just been on them too along with antibiotics and I must remember to order some more. The steroids don't seem to have that effect on me, but my sleeping is a bit erratic anyway at the moment.

    1. They have scary side-effects (apart from the not sleeping) - and I am taking a calcium supplement, especially as I can't eat much in the way of dairy as I get a reaction to it. I slept really well last night and hope to do the same tonight too.

  3. I'm sorry to read that yet again you must be on steroids. My daughter has to use them several times per year for breathing issues and i know she hates the process.
    I've noticed that using the woodstove can give me 'allergies' which resemble the start of a cold--I sometimes think it can be down to what type of wood we are burning.
    The mincemeat must smell heavenly while it is slowly cooking!
    You need to rest--a problem with the steroids and with the thought of viewings booked.

    1. It's not just me, I see. When we move if we have a woodburner it will have to be a Clearview (a couple of friends have them and they are clean-burning.) However, we did discuss the idea of not having one because it will mean having to buy in wood for the first time (we cut our own here from our land). The mincemeat did smell good. I always do an uncooked version in a big earthenware crock, so this was my first try at a cooked one.

      Had a sort of a rest today when we went to Malvern - we unwound anyway!

  4. Sorry to read that you had to go back on steroids. I do hope that you do not have to take them for long.

    God bless.

    1. I am hoping that a 5 day course may be enough. Will have to see how I am tomorrow (day 5).

  5. Sorry for your breathing problems..hope life improves soon.
    That mincemeat looks good..I've had problems with oven processed mincemeat, but I think that might be faulty temperature controls.
    The Salt Path is a good book...I'm going to read it again before passing it on..if I can bear to part with it!

    1. I'm fighting back gz. Stress doesn't help it and of course, I am stressed over the house-selling and keeping the house up together for viewings (which seem to be coming thick and fast at the moment, so fingers x'd!)

      I finished the Salt Path today and thoroughly enjoyed it. I will loan it to a friend but think it maybe one to return to in the future,so beautifully written (made me a bit emotional though.)

  6. So sorry to hear you are unwell - I do hope you feel a lot better soon.

    The mincemeat looks delicious and thank you for the recipe. I have the Salt Path on my Kindle but haven't yet read it.
