

Jennie's recipes

Monday 23 December 2019

The Wrong Queue

You know how it is when you go to choose a queue at the (very busy!) Supermarket - they all look the same length, but hey, the lady in front of you is just one person, although her trolley is full (like everyone else's) and some queues are several people long.  Then you twig that the till lady is Very Slow and Very Chatty and the Lady In Front is full of cold, and wants to pay for her £189 worth of shopping with the points vouchers she has been saving all year.  We were stood there for 15 minutes - so long in fact that Tam put the ice cream back in the freezer!  You don't like to take umbrage or be rude, although I did say at the end I wondered if Tesco's were going to be paying the lady money BACK.

Outside Tesco had been virtually gridlocked when I slid into a space (it was like dead men's shoes trying to find one!) and walking across to the entrance, there were beeping horns, and people parked at angles and other people reversing into the trolley park and people wandering across in front of aggravated drivers so nonchalantly - it was a wonder they weren't flattened!

We normally make a point of NOT going shopping in Christmas week, but I had to pick up a prescription and Keith had to pay the Council Tax and we had a few extra bits to get (fresh fruit and veg etc) and so we bit the bullet.  Never again (that's twice I've sworn never again in two days!)

Right, the drawbridge will be up tomorrow and some baking will be done.  I managed to clean enough of the oven yesterday for it not to billow black smoke when in action and I have removed several dodgy customers from the back of the fridge so there is room for other comestibles.  

Now time to relax for an hour or so before bed.  

I may not get on tomorrow, so will wish a Merry Christmas to you all and hope that 2020 will be a good year.


  1. Happy Christmas to you and yours.

    1. Merry Christmas to you and yours too Jill, and I hope you can relax, letter or no.

  2. Sounds like the check out lines at the local WalMart. Although there are 8 or 10 checkout stations less than half a dozen are ever open. I've waited in line 20 minutes. If J. is along he likes the self checkout, although I find that a nuisance if I have produce to be weighed. I've been stocking cat kibble and litter so that I shouldn't have to brave the dreaded 'mart' until after the new year. Anything I've neglected to buy for preparing Christmas dinner will need a substitute already on the pantry shelves!

    1. Tesco was HEAVING. As several people remarked - it's only shut for one day, but then they were buying in Christmas treats - no bakers amongst them, it was a "boughten" Christmas. Yule Logs, Mince Pies, cakes etc. I watched as one lady piled up pre-made food including cheese and bacon topped potato skins - such a thing so easy to make at home (like the mashed potato she also had a tray of). Glad you can stay put over the Christmas. Tam has to go in this morning to get the Choc Chip ice cream (for Gabby) which we put back yesterday and then forgot to replace. We are trying to avoid the "G Bomb" as Zane calls it, over Christmas but I don't doubt there will be a meltdown over something else.

  3. Enjoy your Christmas. I've only have to pop out for milk and bread tomorrow.

    Take it easy.

    1. We stocked up on the "pure" milk which has a long use-by date (though we did used to freeze the milk when we had more room in the freezer). I make my own bread, so no probs there.

  4. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family. I'm visiting 3 different bits of family for 3 days so no shopping and hardly any job list!

    1. Smiling at the thought of you "sharing yourself around a bit" this Christmas. At least it lets you off everything bar offering to wash up!

  5. Well Asda was quite quiet but someone in the queue said he had had to stand behind a woman with about 4/5 trolleys and whose shopping came to over a £1000 pounds, now that's Xmas shopping on a large scale at Morrisons. Bet she could have done much better at Lidl ;) Crazy shopping for a couple of days.

    1. That is RIDICULOUS - £1,000 worth of food and booze? Blimey O'Reilly! Glad I wasn't behind her in a queue. We went to Lidl first, having got the fruit and veg from Abergwili (and I still have about 5 lbs of plums from there to cook up as it was 4 punnets for £1). We went to Aldi for one of their Pizzas and a scallop and prawn starter.

  6. I was lucky this year, my daughter went into Louth (very small market town) this morning to collect the things we had ordered, a job I was very happy to relinquish. Batten down the hatches and let the feasting begin!

    I hope you have a wonderful family Christmas - and take a break from stitching. The quilt is brilliant and I love the colours of the table runner.

    1. We got our meat either free (from the Shoot) or from the local butcher who has wonderful meats - we got the Salt Marsh Lamb from there. Keith is still raving about it!

      I "may" get back to a x-stitch design I started a couple of days before Christmas as a welcome break from the quilt. I should be able to count again now (defo too squiffy yesterday!!)

  7. Sainsburys was awful yesterday too - thank goodness these days they have scan and go which is a boon - you scan the bar code and pack as you go and then pay at special till points.

    Wishing you a lovely family Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year.

    1. They have them in Tesco but I don't use it as I think it's Tesco's way of cutting down on staff!

      Hope you have had a lovely Christmas too and all the best for 2020.

  8. Sighed in relief when you said Tesco. Thought you might be talking about my wife until then - bad cold - vouchers - full trolley. She uses a different supermarket.

  9. Hope you didn't get palpitations Tasker!! This lady had her husband with her - probably thinking thank goodness it's all free!
