

Jennie's recipes

Monday 16 December 2019

Winter weather

Yesterday was not a good day for a walk and we were very glad to be indoors when a thunderstorm arrived, bringing with it hailstones in quantities (some are still around today as it's stayed cold).

There you are - a "sort of" hailing photo - the white bits are hail anyway, you just can't clearly see it coming down in frozen stair-rods!

My final "noodle" arrived today and is being straightened (it arrives tied in a knot!) and I hope to crack on with Danny's quilt tomorrow.

Tam and I got out for a walk today, wearing wellies as we intended coming back across the fields beside the river.  Only one teensie problem, Jim had turned 7 horses out in there and it was literally HOCK deep in mud in all the gateways and the land in between not much better.  In one gateway I all but lost my boots - the mud came to within an inch of the tops!  Just as well there was a fence to hang on to . . .

My peak flow was lousy this morning (below 400) but after the walk, shot up to just over 500, which is good for me, so I hope to get out whenever it is dry enough (that hasn't happened very often recently).

We bought our tree yesterday (a Nordman fir from Charlies) and dressed it today.  It's a lovely tree and looks really pretty - this photo was taken whilst it was daylight outside though so you can't see the lights on it.

It's been soup making weather and so I made some Scotch Broth today, boiling up the bone from the small lamb joint we had yesterday (and afterwards it went out to hang from the apple tree so the birds could get the last smidgins of meat from it.)  Tea tonight was a tasty lamb biriani, with enough for another single meal tomorrow night.

Keep warm all.


  1. I told myself as winter came on that I would walk the perimeter of our field and lane each day--do you think I"m doing that in the rain? So much for healthy resolutions.
    It is indeed soup weather--I could live on it, but J. balks after one meal and wants heartier fare.

    1. Well, you're one up on me - Keith will only (occasionally) have some Heinz Chicken Soup if he sees me opening a can for a quick lunch. It is so difficult to exercise in the winter - a little rain I can cope with, but chucking it down sideways is offputting!

  2. Foggy this early morning at the moment, it would be better if the rain turned to snow. Love soups, mostly vegetables though, fresh bread to go with a bowl of soup - can't beat it.

    1. Foggy here too Thelma, so it must be country-wide. We missed out on the fresh bread to go with it - I need to make another loaf today.

  3. Our temperatures here are slightly warmer, but with the wind chill things feel much colder. I have been using the treadmill and walking through the house an awful lot for my exercise.

    God bless.

    1. On wet days, I go up and down stairs by way of exercise. Sometimes I can clock up 10K steps without leaving the house, if I am busy!
