

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 6 February 2020

A frosty start

Looking out to the top field from the sewing room window.

Having said we haven't had much frost this winter, we are having a spell of it now.  This morning I didn't think twice about putting the central heating on the moment we got up.  Normally we just have the heating on for an hour (when both of us are up) in the morning, but if we are going out, we don't bother.  We keep warm in the day by keeping busy, but when we were laid up last month with the "bit of a cold" we lit the wood burner.  Normally it would be lit late afternoon.

Across the stables to the wood beyond.  The little catkins on the hazel tree got a shock last night.

I'm still getting used to the gap where the 3 Ash trees were.   Cutting those up is a job for a dry - and warmer - day.

Today we continue to help Danny move flats from Carmarthen to Swansea, where he has the top attic rooms in a turn of the century terrace house on a quiet road.  Just a 10 minute walk to work, so he will be able to lie in.  As he works in Swansea, the travelling was getting him down and costing some as he had to catch the train to and from work.

We also have the plumber coming out this morning to deal with a minor leak.  I shall stay here to deal with that, but Keith and Danny will be back late morning with D's washing machine and couple of small bits of furniture.  My job this morning is to clear the back place - move everything off the shelving etc - so that it can be moved and the washing machine put where we used to have one, years ago.

I need to get the final coat of paint on the window in the blue bedroom.  Painting the aperture white and the window paintwork in the palest of pale greys (barely noticable) has brightened it up no end.

Tam is back tomorrow, so that's something to look forward to.

Wrist on the mend and I hope to be able to drive by Sunday.

Sad news about Kirk Douglas dieing, but 103 is a wonderful age to get to.  2nd gear in that chariot on the bends now Kirk, 2nd gear . . .


  1. I also was saddened to read about Kirk Douglas's death. I loved every movie he was in.

    Frost makes everything sparkle, but it sure is cold.

    God bless.

    1. We've had a mild winter, so when we do get a cold snap, we notice it!

  2. Gorgeous pictures, our frost has given way to a mighty storm, hope you're safe.x

    I've changed my blog name (again)

  3. Thanks for letting me know Kim. I hope you didn't have any damage from that storm.
