

Jennie's recipes

Friday 14 February 2020

St Fagans, part II

These two photos are the interior of the Medieval church at St Fagans.  I have taken better ones on other visits, but this time the place was full of school children, so we didn't linger!

This lovely old 15th C farmhouse (with the beasts having been kept in the lower portion) relied on the light from a couple of small windows only.  You can see how gloomy days must have been in mid-winter - almost indistinguishable from nights!

A couple of interiors from elsewhere (I forgot to take a photo of the outside of the house or the info on it.)  I love the Welsh quilt below.

Above, the kitchen at the Elizabethan manor house of St Fagans.  You weren't meant to take photos but I couldn't see that one of the kitchen was going to hurt anything . . .

Finally, another sign of spring with these leaves of the Lords and Ladies bursting through the leaves.

All for now as absolutely shattered after driving to Gloucester and back yesterday.  Cathedral photos tomorrow.


  1. I have just been catching up on your posts, I am such a bad blogger.
    As always, it is the kitchen/food related photographs which I enjoy the most - but what an interesting place to visit. For the last week or two I have seen lots of those particular green leaves sprouting up in the woods, the verges, etc. I knew that you had told me what they were, a year or two ago - but the old grey cells were not cooperating, so I am really glad you posted that final picture and words.
    I hope your wrist/hand is well and truly on the mend now.

  2. Glad I could help the ID. I have been playing catch-up with other blogs too. Sometimes I just can't shake myself out of a mental lethargy which is mainly down to dark winter days! Now spring is showing through (I saw the first wild Daffodils today) and we've had a couple of outings, I am feeling a bit more positive.

    Wrist is mending slowly but I have to be careful with it still. I drove 220 miles yesterday and the only thing which hurt it was turning off the headlights!

  3. I think I must have been to St Fagans a long time ago as your photographs were somehow familiar. And yes - that Welsh Quilt is indeed exquisite.

  4. Love the church and those wall paintings :) Look forward to seeing Gloucester Cathedral as it is one place I would love to visit.

  5. One of the members of my WI is a guide at Gloucester Cathedral. She took my husband and I round for extra practice before her guiding exam. The cloisters are magnificent. Enjoy your day

  6. Polishing all those copper saucepans must have been quite a job. Though I love these old kitchens, the cleaning, scrubbing, blacking the oven, carrying coal in must have been hard work.

  7. Another lovely set of photos. You have tempted me to maybe come down make a trip of it, I do love places like this. The welsh quilt is gorgeous.
