

Jennie's recipes

Monday 30 March 2020

Like 30 years ago - only without the energy!!

My OH and I were just talking, as I rubbed Ibruprofen gel on his sore back.  I said this hunker down time was like having the clock turned back 30 years, when money was extremely tight and our main luxury was having the time to do all the jobs which needed doing - and thereby saving money.  This year we will save a big chunk this year not having to have the paddock (sorry, "Side Lawn") cut - that was £80 a hit for half an hour's work!  Since no-one will be viewing any time soon, we can let it go feral.

Anyway, before and after photos of the wall which separates the main garden from the yard, where we grow veg.  Before, it was smothered in brambles, both dead and alive, which hung down in a long fringe.  What I wanted to see there was cut back Snowberries (which form a tatty "hedge" along the top - planted before our time, probably by the Dutchman who lived here when he milked for Next Door back in the early 80s) and a repositioned well-grown Clematis Montana rubens which had decided to leg it up the apple tree whilst my back was turned.  The green bit you can see below is the Elder tree which planted itself there and despite all my best efforts to eradicate it, has grown away and is now allowed to stay as Elder is Good Stuff.  As you can see, the swirly bits are the errant clematis, and the ladder in the background is what I climbed up, loppers in hand, to cut through some end branches it was entangled with.  Then we had no option but to literally pull it out of the tree - surprisingly, only two bits right at the top got broken off - the rest is now draped along the short-cut snowberries and should cover it all thickly in the fullness of time.  I am looking forward to it flowering soon - it's covered in buds.  That little job took me three days and we had a bonfire at the end of it!  The next bonfire will be all the brash we have left over from cutting the thicker branches for winter fuel.

Cloudier skies, looking across the yard, but still sunshine.  It was blowing fiercely yesterday though - a Northerly wind I think, brisk and chilly.  Tam and I kept our walk just to the top of the hill and back but I must be getting fitter as I managed to walk the steep bit without stopping to draw breath!

Here is a triptych of  photos of the scenery from left to right above the farm buildings.

Right, this won't do.  Nearly 10.30 and I've not had breakfast yet but I have started some dough in the breadmaker, and will make some muffins later on too.


  1. You are certainly keeping busy - thank you so much for the scenery pictures of the lovely countryside near you. Stay safe and well.

    1. There is always a lot to do here in spring RR. More this year because we had those trees dropped. Those we have to crack on with to get drying whilst we have this dry weather. It's ash, so the smaller bits can go in straight away.

  2. So nice to see the beauty that surrounds you. Take care.

    1. You will probably be heartily fed up of repeat walks before long MM!! Take care too.

  3. So that's where the sun was yesterday - it certainly never called on us.

    1. Yes, we just borrowed it for a bit Pat! It can stay as long as it likes as we had almost non-stop rain from September onwards.

  4. Sunshine? none of that here today - grey, cold, windy and wet.
    Lovely photos

    1. There's a dratted cold wind here which doesn't encourage the gardening so much - last week's sunshine was perfect gardening weather -down to a T-shirt at times! Up in my office, it sounds more like Wuthering Heights here today!

  5. Keep busy but don't overdo it!!

    1. That's what my back's been telling me this morning gz!

  6. Yep, it certainly brings back memories, mostly good of spending time at home and working together to improve our home.

    What beautiful scenery.

    God bless.

    1. We've always worked together - we make a good team. My Head Gardener is very welcome at this time I might add!

  7. Beautiful photos BB. Yes, as you know, we feel time has been turned back, too. Our outgoings have been reduced, too, but also that the changes have lead us to spending our money and eating differently. I baked yesterday, lemon cake, shortbread but with SR flour, current boys' fav and the two loaves. Keep enjoying the scenery and those beautiful sounds of nature.xx

    1. It does feel like we have refocused on the important things. I can remember when we were nip and tuck and the ONLY nice things we got to eat came out of my kitchen! Your talk of lemon cake made me realise that I forgot to add lemons to my last shopping list, so we will have to wait until 17th April, unless I get a fruit and veg order delivered from Abergwili (which is a probability).
