

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 12 March 2020

Social Distancing

From a recent walk - part of some old farm machinery with a tree growing through it - nature always wins in the end . . .

Well, I am guessing you are all, wherever you live in the world, hoping that Coronavirus won't be holding a winning hand of cards - a repeat of the Spanish Flu from 1918-19 would be truly terrifying - 25 million people died from it in 25 weeks . . .  Now we have a Pandemic, we have decided that for us, at our ages and with my chronic asthma, distancing ourselves from social gatherings is probably a good idea. It will mean a tightening of belts, because we won't be able to sell at any Fairs or even car boot sales, and of course, won't need - or want to - go to Malvern or Builth for the big fleamarkets there, though of course we will miss the outings and the social side of seeing our friends amongst the dealers.  Auctions are out too.

We always keep a good store-cupboard because our nearest shopping centre is nearly 10 miles away and sometimes snow or storms prevent getting to the shops easily, but we have added to this recently. Brexit shennanigans had me bothered, so I added to the tins in the pantry and when Coronavirus first reared its ugly head in Britain, I added to them again, plus dry goods such as flour, bread flour, yeast and rice which I use a lot.  I always make my own bread so wanted to carry on doing that.   We were getting low on loo rolls, so bought packs two shops running before it became a major panic buying item!  The cats haven't been forgotten either . . .

Thank heavens we live rurally, and have some beautiful walks to go on, and plenty to keep us busy at home - the garden will take a lot of our spare time I am sure.  Now Tam is home, she will help with the digging and planting and we have a new polytunnel (the sort you take down in winter) to put up and fill.

I'm resting up after I have made a pan of soup, as a recent paint I used has had a bad effect on my asthma and I've been going downhill the past week and am now on a short course of steroids again.  We have been watching the Cheltenham Festival since Tuesday - I've always loved jumps racing, and this is the best horses in the world taking place.  Probably safer to watch it from the sofa though, as a huge melting pot for germs!

Keep safe everyone. 


  1. A sensible move BB. My son's wife has asthma and they are keeping away from everyone in as far as they can.

  2. Glad you are taking sensible precautions. Went weekly shopping in the Co-op this morning, shelves full of everything, no one seems bothered in Pickering. Being holed up in Wales is not a bad life, just look after yourself.

  3. It does sound like isolating yourself is the best thing for you if you have bad asthma. I do hope the temperatures warm up soon and it fades away like most flu viruses do. Living rurally makes us better adapted to isolating ourselves.

  4. That is a very good decision to make BB. We don't have any major health issues but have still decided to make sure stores are topped up, have blocked out Airbnb bookings for a little while and just keeping ourselves to ourselves for now. You stay safe, too.x

  5. At least you can get away far from the madding crowd up there in Wales. People have been going OTT and getting everything out of perspective things like medications, loo rolls and hand sanitiser have caused shortages locally. Am not minimising the situation just a little surprised. I don't go out much these days in any event only if I have to as too much to do at home. At least with the internet these days we can isolate, but not be totally isolated unless the Internet goes down. Take care and keep safe. Tricia xx

  6. You are being wise. Stay safe x

  7. I'm glad you all agree with me. You just don't know who has got it or where you might encounter them, or something they've touched, as I am sure for every person who is a statistic, there are probably ten who will also be infected but not ill yet.

    Keep safe all.

  8. I don't know what happened to my comment yesterday - I think what I said was "Better safe than sorry". I have a nephew with asthma who works in a hospital, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him, and for anyone else with lung or heart problems. Keep Safe!

  9. I have been adding to our pantry slowly but surely over that last few weeks. Now that there is a case or two of the virus here in Saskatchewan, people are going crazy buying up items and emptying shelves. I only hope that when I get up to see Kris this Monday there are a few things (like milk) left on the shelf of his nearest store.

    God bless.

  10. Thank goodness for country walks and fresh air, I think we are the lucky ones in that regard. A little normality and exercise in these changed times. I hope you are feeling a whole lot better now and have enjoyed watching the horses go over the sticks.

  11. Bless you all. I am sure we are all worried (I will confess to being downright scared) about this. Distraction is a good idea . . . Keep safe. (Jackie - big gaps in some supermarket shelving here for certain items but not totally empty shops).
