

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 1 April 2020

A short river walk

In case you miss it, Ghengis had his own post previous to this.  He is delighted to announce he is now an Outdoor Cat again!

This cooler weather is not as enjoyable as last week's sunshine, but we have still got on and done the outside jobs - splitting wood, sowing seeds, digging over a bit more of the veg plot, weeding etc.  We now have strong growth from the radishes we sowed recently, and more tentative shoots from the spring onions, both of which are in small planters covered with glass to keep them warmer.  These are in the middle of the yard.  We have moved Tam's chillis and tomatoes (in propogators) to the cold frame as it wasn't warm enough in the plastic greenhouse - there are some holes in the cover so the wind blows in and it's been a VERY cold northerly wind too.  Hopefully they will do better in there.  This morning we had another bonfire, but there is still LOTS of brash to burn.

The greenhouse has trays of runner beans (which have had a stern talking to as THEY weren't doing anything either).  They are now under a piece of glass.  I told them that - having been unable to buy more runner bean seeds, everywhere online seems to have sold out apart from eBay - they need to do their stuff this year!  In fact on eBay, unless I am prepared to buy seeds from China (a no-no) or go into a bidding war - having seen 10 seeds go for £14.50!!! - there isn't much choice.  Something called Scarlet Emperor (which is what I grow) has photos for White Lady coloured seeds, and pods which don't even look like runner beans.  We have also started some Hunter Beans, and some of Tam's Greek Gigantes, which are like very large butterbeans, and used for soups, stews etc.  They're coming through already, mightily!  The yellow courgettes were out of date so we shall start her Patty Pan ones off next.  We've planted other things too, but it's midnight, I can't sleep, and my brain has gone on strike.

Anyway, I have ordered some Seeds of Italy (Franchi seeds, which are reliable) today.  Just two different cucumbers, the ridge type, and a bigger one, and peas, and mangetout peas.  We need to dig over more of the top of the yard to fit everything in!  We will probably have to cut some bean poles from the hazel we have growing in the copse.

First blossom on the fruit trees.  The Damson in the yard is putting out flowers and so is this young Plum tree in the paddock plot, and below, the most prolific of the pear trees is also about to burst into bloom.

My wine making stuff from Wilko arrived today.  Inside should be a demijohn, some air locks, Campden tablets, yeasts, and a brewing bucket.  THEN we can get cracking - Tam has some beer to go in one demijohn, and I have Blackberry wine to make.  We are still waiting on the champagne yeast - bought on eBay a week ago but not even posted yet.  I can understand people wanting to go to the PO as little as possible, but perhaps they could put this on their listing?


  1. Your river looks angry right now, it sure is flowing quickly. Harvey will be starting a beer very soon as well. Our dessert wine will be ready to bottle very soon.

    God bless.

  2. It's actually quite low. Because it runs in a deeper channel between the rocks of a river valley, it is forced through at speed in the narrow parts. My son has made beer too ("Apocalypse Beer"!!). Enjoy your wine.

  3. It sounds like you have lots of amazing projects on the go at the moment! How exciting to be doing some brewing, my dad used to do that when I was a child I loved watching what he was doing.

    I think seed companies are always busy at this time of year anyway but the demand is even higher this year. I managed to get an order from the seedcooperative this week, they are open for orders between 7 and 9pm each evening, their seeds have always been reliable. I also used Real Seeds in the past too but I am not sure how much stock they have left! I hope your beans germinate and then you won't need to buy anymore!

    1. We are always busy SM, but extra busy right now as we want to get our winter fuel supply cut up, dried and in the woodshed. Now our eldest daughter is home, she is missing her Yorkshire allotment and has a stash of seeds, but some different things to my traditional peas, beans, leeks and spring onions. I ordered some more Scarlet Emperor today as I couldn't bear to be without them (they are as good raw as cooked) and think the ones I had won't grow.

      If it's rainy tomorrow, I get a chance to catch up with cooking and sewing. Will note the Seed cooperative down for the future.
