

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 12 April 2020

Easter Sunday

I have to say, this Easter Sunday is not a great deal different to most East Sundays as we make a point not to go out to the beach or anywhere reasonably local due to the heavy traffic on the roads.  Tomorrow would have been different though, as in normal times we would have been off to the Easter Bank Holiday Monday Fleamarket at Malvern - perhaps the busiest one of the year.  Ah well, next year, hopefully . . .

I am on Pollen Lockdown now.  I pushed my luck last week by not thinking any Birch trees were in blossom in our valley (certainly not many Birch trees grow here).  However, the hot temperatures have made the Oaks suddenly put out leaves and blossom and we have a line of those behind the house along the top field fenceline.  The past two I only went outside if I had a mask on, my hair covered in a scarf and and outside jumper on (changed when inside). But even being on steroids didn't stop it so I have had to stay totally inside today, shut all the doors and generally behave myself.

I have been very very slowly putting on the pre-quilted border of my applique centre quilt.  I have had to carefully fold back and pin the backing and batting first.  My patchwork teacher Alex would thoroughly approve of how incredibly slow and steady I went!

I have to bodge (no, sort out PROPERLY) two corners and then I can start to sew the 9 patch border together.  Sewed all those last year.

Tea tonight was Fridge-Bottom Pizza:

using up Cherry Tomatoes (we bought a kilo bag with our order last week), cheese, sliced cooked potato, rosemary, and garlic oil.  I FEEL FAT now.


  1. I am coming to you for dinner!

  2. Those pizzas look delicious (so does the quilt, but I can't eat that).

    1. The quilt looks SO much better now I have the border on. We don't make the pizzas too often or we would be rotund!

  3. Lovely quit and the pizza sounds so good to me right now.

    1. There's a little corner of my pizza left for part of breakfast too. Couldn't sleep last night so did another two hours on the quilt and got the corner re-set and re-quilted so now I can trim and sew the wadding and backing and move on to the next bit,.

  4. My goodness what a post a quilt to admire and pizza...I am on my way!

    1. I am very organized at the moment as for once, I have plenty of TIME. We had planned the pizza, but then I put it on the wrong breadmaker setting so had to do it by hand anyway, over a warm oven door . . .

  5. We had a pretty normal Easter Sunday too as we rarely go out bank holidays anyway. We were fortunate to have the ingredients for Hot Cross Buns on Friday and a simnel cake and Easter lunch yesterday. We even got Easter eggs by mail order. Baking is now getting out of question as flour stocks run low and you can't buy it anywhere :(

    1. I've never made Simnel cake - one of these days I might! Sorry you can't get flour - glad that I laid in stocks whilst I was able, and had bought a HUGE bag of Wessex Mills flour from the Mill in November, because I was fed up with carrying small ones across town! At the time Eldest Daughter was rolling her eyes, but now she has had to eat her words . . .

  6. Your bottom of the fridge pizzas look marvelous.

    Your quilt is coming along nicely.

    God bless.

  7. The quilt looks so beautiful, you must have great patience.

  8. What a post of delights, food that I would love to eat and a beautiful quilt.
