

Jennie's recipes

Friday 17 April 2020

What day is it then? Updated

Above and below: our only window facing West, which is in the Junk Room (aka Library).  One morning this week I set to and had a complete and utter sort out of the right hand side of the room, so that I could put an armchair in there and sit and read or sew in the afternoon when the sun comes round.  As you can see, the Oak tree has suddenly put out leaves and is WAY ahead of the Ash again this year.

You'll have noted, I said "one morning this week."  I am losing track of time, especially as we have no daily newspaper, don't have to go out for anything, and aren't marking the passing of the days by anywhere to go TO either.

Seeds (several Chillis, some Okra and Lemon Basil, amongst others) being started on the windowsill and far right, my Blackberry Wine is bubbling away like a good 'un.  Then a comfy chair . . .

and a good book or two . . .

This is my hand-sewing for idle moments - it's going to be another table runner.  I don't like to sit idle.  

Above and below: Tam spent most of a day making up her home brew - not your open a tin and add water, this you made a mash of the barley and added two different sorts of hops too, and stood over it like an expectant mother, stirring every 15 minutes and checking the temperature religiously.  Below: it is in the demijohn now, and in the Junk Room over a heated box (light bulb) to get it to work out.  

Anyway, I know today is now Friday, and it's time for my bath . . . I had a baking session one day this week too, so I'll put up some recipes tomorrow.


  1. I have been losing track of days as well. One day slips into the next and seems to blend everything together. Perhaps when I can actually get out in the garden and play in the dirt, I will be able to tell the days apart.

    God bless.

    1. Well, today is Saturday, but it doesn't FEEL like Saturday! No Weekend Telegraph to read as we don't go out for papers any more, and so we are even being parsimonious with newspaper and glad we saved several boxes over the winter for firelighting/bonfire-starting etc.

      How long do you have to wait for spring?

  2. It is so difficult to work out what day of the week it is isn't it. My daughter has a video call with a different friend each weekday afternoon I know what order they are in but not what day that means it is!

    I would love to read the Mudlarking book, I have it on order at the library so that will have to wait until things are open again!

    Hope the home brew does its thing, very exciting!

    1. Our three grown up kids seem to be having various pub quizzes, video chats, music nights etc with their friends which is good because the other two are living alone at the moment, in different cities.

      I can really recommend the Mudlarking book - nice escapism right now too.

      Home brew is now almost ceased obviously working. The Blackberry wine still going great guns. We have our eye on the big Gorse bush in our top field, now that the Champagne yeast has finally arrived (eBay purchase, and seller didn't exactly shift themself - took 3 weeks to get here!)

  3. Days are merging here too!! Look forward to recipes. What a lovely view to look over while you sit and read. Mudlarking is on my list of books I would like and the other book looks good - will check it out :) Your handsewing is so lovely and I am glad to see all the alcohol is bubbling merrily along :) Take care and stay safe and well.

    1. It is very peaceful in that room, and the trees get very busy with birds once they are feeding young. One year we had Redstarts nesting above the window (there is a gap where the window is set into the wall) - it would be lovely if they - or someone else - set up home there again. Stay safe too RR.

  4. Days I must admit are starting to become a little blurry and merging a little. Impressive homebrew. Don't know a lot about it so that would make a great post telling us the process. Take care.

    1. I am so glad to be back making wine again - and though she moaned about standing over it much of the day, Tam is enjoying her brewing too! I couldn't help thinking that back in the day, brewing was a bit less specific than the "take the temperature every 15 mins" lark!! I will Do A Post for you.

  5. Like the look of that comfy chair and the books look interesting - what are they about - am always on the look out for something to read.

    1. It's an old Library chair - somewhat low to the ground (but good for the thigh muscles getting out of it!) I have had to put several cushions on it so I can see over the windowsill! The better spare armchair is up in the attic, so I couldn't face hauling that down again. Will review the books for you.
