

Jennie's recipes

Saturday 30 May 2020

Going back to bed at birdsong . . .

A low-in-words Saturday post, as I am sleeping so badly.  I was up at 2 a.m. this morning, back to bed at 4.15, still awake an hour later and shattered now . . .

This is son of Spot, one of two male blackbirds who feed their offspring on left-over cat biscuits!  Spot (who is partly leucistic and has white spots) was in a dilemma this week as he has his well-grown daughter at one end of the porch (she is TWICE his size!) and his son at the other and both were calling for grub!  He didn't know who to feed first.

The cats have little cat couchets about the place.  This is by the drying-up wildlife pond.

Flat out cats . . .

I think this is Clematis "Niobe".  She would have been a £1.49 special from Morrisons.  I am missing getting my cheap summer plants from there.

My English rose "Graham Thomas" is blooming really well this year.

I have lots of Love in a Mist, and have sown more and will probably use the last of last year's seeds to sprinkle in tubs as I haven't any other plants to replace winter pansies etc with, not being able to get to the Garden Centre safely.

Papaver "Mrs Perry" I think.

The last three Pitta breads I made last week.  We had them with home-made burgers in the other evening.

The tall yellow standard rose by the gate, over Tara's grave.  I call it Golden Showers, but it probably isn't.  It flowers all summer long.

I was given half a very large red cabbage, so pickled this jar and have the other half cooked up and in the freezer.

Finally, trying my hand at drawing again.  Practice will make perfect.


  1. A gentle , lovely early summer post. I hope my Love in a Mist seeds, scattered like yours and for the same reason, grow well and fill my pots. I finally ordered a few seed packs[ prob they'll show up in August.]

    It is very hard to be sleepless. Are you going to bed too early? I'm a night owl and usually am still up at 2 AM, esp now, w no place to go each AM. I plan to work on my inner clock and try for midnight to 6 or 7 AM.

    Enjoy your day and that lovely sunshine.


  2. Hi Lizzy - I hope your packets of seeds turn up soon. We were quite fortunate with the veg seeds we ordered on line (several different places) and they are coming on, albeit slowly - I think the heat is making them struggle more than usual.

    I am not sleeping because of the steroids. This is how they affect me - I get one night with about 3 hours sleep, and then sleep better the next. Occasionally I will only sleep every OTHER night, which is the absolute pits - 36 hours with no sleep. I have actually been going to bed later, but it makes no difference. I just have to grit my teefs and hope I don't need a longer course than 7 days. My peak flow is up to 450 again (best is 550, non-pollen time) but the pollen count is going to very high now so I have to stay indoors as much as possible.

    1. Steroids have affected me in the same at times, but only in massive IV doses in hospital. I hope you feel ok. Good you reminded me about the pollen counts as I was all set to hang out the down comforters and pillows on thee breezy May days. I will wait! x

  3. So sorry to hear about your sleeping problems:(

    I really do like your Love in a Mist and Papaver. Your drawings are very good! :)

    1. I am going to spread some more LIAM seeds in my planters now I am taking out the spend winter pansies (which gave colour for so long, bless them). I have some flower seeds started but they are more for the border. Will see what else I have got in my little box.

      I was too tired to draw yesterday but hope to start on the Arabian profile in a while.

  4. The drawings are very nice. Do you do scenery ones as well? The countryside in your area so pretty that I think you would do well in drawing the rural area.

    1. Hi Judy. You have given me a sudden thought - do I do scenery too? Do you know, I haven't even tried for perhaps 30 years! I shall get one of my photos up on screen and have a little play next week and share it with you.

  5. My rose garden has more Love In A Mist than roses!
    Your drawing is brilliant - very envious, hope you sleep better tonight

    1. LIAM puts on such a show - shame it is out-competing the roses with you though!

      Glad you like the drawing - horses I "know" and understand how they work and can't bear to see a bad picture of a horse, so am very critical of my own efforts.

      I slept from 10.30 - 3. Then again from 6.30 for another hour and a half. My body keeps shouting out for chocolate because I am Tired.

  6. The drawings are a delight, you obviously have an eye for detail. We managed to get the garden centre to deliver but its not the same as a visit.

    1. Thank you mm. I am pleased to be trying to draw again. I do draw in a detailed fashion, bit by bit - not an outline and then filling in. Glad you were able to have a garden centre delivery but you are so right, it can't compare with a wander round and a delightful "shall I have this?" or "OH! I just MUST have that!"

  7. Look after yourself, even I feel the pollen count, asthmatic and sneezing, it must be high. What glorious countryside you live in and you have named a plant for me I have (navelwort), thank you, not very spectacular though.

    1. When I had itchy eyes and a streaming nose, I knew when it was bad. Now I just have a plunging peak flow reading and a rescue box of steroids!

      Glad that I was able to show you the Navelwort for you to id. It's not very exciting but is a prolific plant along the Welsh walls and banks.

  8. Your drawings are lovely, I do hope you share some more. I also hope that you are feeling a little better now?
