

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 20 May 2020

Saturday's walk Part II - and Time Management

Good evening everyone.  I can't justify spending half the day on the computer, waiting for photos to load, and then to write my post, so I have to do things in bits and pieces.  Here's the next bit of our lovely walk on Saturday, walking on the loop that takes us back within 3/4 mile of home.  The steep grass hill in the background is one I am sure is familiar to regular visitors here.

It's the time of year for the Hawthorn (May) to blossom.  I love the way the branches are like sprays of flowers in a vase.

Looking down on the back of a smallholding.  The steep fields would be a challenge for anything bar sheep really.  I wouldn't like to cut those for hay or silage as quite a steep slope on them.

The long view, looking up the river valley towards home.

The same view in close up between the fronds of bracken.

The little farmhouse and outbuildings which go with that photo of the distant smallholding a few photos back.

Looking across the valley.  To the right you can see the Forestry have been harvesting timber.  The speck of white to the left is a little hippy smallholding, see below for close up.

You can see how quickly the road disappears from sight, which is why we do the walk this way round - DOWN that steep hill!

Tam has a soft spot for this little house.  I think it must be a holiday home as I've never seen anyone there.

White Campion - I saw some on the walk we did past Lady P's stud a couple of weeks back.  Not seen it for MANY years before that.  It's rare round here.

A lovely big beech tree in our smallholding friend's field.

Finally, sheep and her lambs which had shot off up the field when we came into sight.

Well, I have been doing a lot of sewing on the quilt for charity, and am now waiting on backing fabric, and some hot pink to do the border with (with white).  I need to sort out the stencil pattern for the final border on my Baltimore quilt, so I can work on that in my spare time.

I still haven't worked out whether my asthma is taking a pollen hit.  I have a new peak flow meter, but it has a round mouthpiece (my good one that recently died had an oval one) and I can't get a proper seal on it. It doesn't seem to record anything over 400 so I don't know if it has a problem, or it's me!  With the main pollen season in the offing, I have ordered one which seems most like the one I had before.  It will be with me tomorrow.   I've kept out of the sun most of today (and the past couple of days) but whilst Tam was cooking tea (Enchiladas) sat on the patio with two bags of round shallots to turn into more pickled onions.

The birds were singing, and the sun had dropped behind the house so I wasn't roasting and all sorts of random memories were flowing through my head - stuff from childhood, and my Dorset Days, and friends who are no longer with us (you felt so close, Trish).  

I don't know how much longer Lockdown will be in place in Wales, but gosh, we could do with a nice drive out to get a change of scenery!


  1. Lovely place for lockdown. So have I but yes time for a change now.

    1. It would be lovely to "go out for a drive" which is what my parents would do on a Sunday afternoon in the summer.

  2. I actually can't remember the last time I got into our car. It was months ago. We're less than 10 miles from several beaches here - just not allowed to go. The police are out in force!

    1. I drove ours last week - the 1 1/2 miles to our smallholding friend/neighbour to get eggs and compost . . . An outing to the beach would be wonderful - let's hope we'll be able to do it again soon (somewhere quiet).

  3. Walking in your beautiful countryside would be a pleasure. Thanks for taking us along! I like seeing how your quilting and gardening is doing. Isolation here for me is family history, baking and regular household things which is just fine. Hope you get a proper seal and the asthma is better. Take Care and Stay Safe!

    1. I would like to do some more family history research too - am currently reading a genealogy-based novel right now. Asthma - tentatively said - a little better today. Glad you enjoyed the walk. Quilt photos tomorrow and some garden ones too.

  4. Surrounded by beauty as am I but like you I could do with a change however slight. Take care and stay safe.

    1. I would like a non-lane walk tbh - out of the area. We will have to see what next week brings us. . . though top of the list of wants is to see our son and other daughter again.

  5. A really lovely walk with wonderful views! We can drive anywhere I think here in England but I still haven't gone far except for taking the car for a run. I keep trying to think of somewhere local that will be quiet and lacking in people!!

    1. I am trying to think of a deserted beach too! Llansteffan will be heaving the moment they lift the ban as it's the local beach for Carmarthen folk and the catchment area around.

  6. You do live in a beautiful place, such stunning scenery. Thank you for taking the time to share them with us, I am guessing your broadband is quite slow and pictures take a while to upload. I

    ts weird that now that we are allowed to go out a bit more in England I don't actually want to - not yet anyway. I feel safer at home.

    1. Ah yes, slow broadband. We manage with what we have but each photo takes a minute or so to load, which isn't ideal.

      I think we are all feeling safer at home right now. I will settle for a drive and some different scenery.

  7. What a beautiful area you live in. It looks so green and summery there too.

    We are fortunate we have our quilting, such an enjoyable pastime.
