

Jennie's recipes

Monday 11 May 2020

When I can't sleep . . . and more gratuitous Aquilegia photos!!

I've not been sleeping very well recently - sometimes it's the middle of the night I wake up and cannot get back to sleep or else I sleep until 3.30 or 4.30 and then I am wide awake.  Keith thinks I should just lay there (staring at the dark!) until it's time to get up, but I prefer to get up and read a book or do some sewing, so I have made progress with the Cotton Thistle Baltimore quilt.  Since yesterday morning I've put another border on (a narrow plain one using the pink print fabric which is between the small star blocks.  Now I have the final border to do (which is the greyish tiny print surrounding the central blocks.  This will also be hand-quilted and I have found a quilt template to use (a simple cable pattern) and will start on the first side today.

I think I am going to have to stay indoors as it was really windy yesterday, and I think there must be another early lot of grass pollen as I woke at 5 and had to take my inhalers 2 hours early, which is never a good sign.  I thought it would be another 2 or 3 weeks before I had to stay inside until the pollen was over . . .  I've checked several sites and had reading from low to high!  That's not very useful!

I will have to give my Head Gardener instructions!!

Tam and I had a short walk up the valley yesterday and were delighted to see the first Foxglove flowering.

Early Umbellifers too (lots of Cow Parsley about of course).  

On our walk we passed the land with Jim's sheep in.  This baby was hollering for mum and as he looked very distressed, we went in search of mum.  After about 5 minutes she finally woke up to the fact that her baby was missing and yelling for her and came out of the woods.  A happy reunion.

Well, I have started the day by making a half and half Granary loaf, and I'm letting the Panny take the strain today and bake it for me - it will take 5 hours though!! Ready right on lunchtime . . .

Now I'm going to stay indoors for a few days and hope I don't have to go on steroids (may just have caught this in time).  I am Going To Sew - again!


  1. They are gorgeous your aquilegia, enormous variety. I listen to the radio at night if I can't sleep but I suppose it would be impossible for you. Mad dog Lucy has kept me up the last two nights with her agitated behaviour ;) Fingers crossed you don't get ill again.

  2. You sometimes get different flower types on the same plant too. I have to come down if I can't sleep. This morning it was my breathing, which I knew wouldn't ease until I'd had an antihistamine. Then I had half of one of my emergency antihistamines which has helped. Hoping I may get away with it, but VERY windy outside, so daren't venture out. Sorry that Lucy walks the floor. Obviously something from her previous life.

  3. Luckily my sleep pattern has improved of late but was kicking the Lark out of bed this morning. Once I am awake I get up. The ironing pile is no more and the pantry is tidy. The first of yet another pair of pastel coloured socks is well on the way. If the wind wasn't so strong I would be out in the garden but it almost had me off my feet so indoors it is. Enjoy your sewing, the quilt looks wonderful.

    1. No ironing mountain here any more either, but we won't talk about the food cupboard! The sewing is keeping me sane right now.

  4. I started out with two Aquelegia I bought from a good nursery. Now in their second year they are doing well and both have seeded - as I expected already hints of blue in one

    1. The blues are lovely colours and I prefer them to the pinks. I'm trying to weed a few of the paler ones out.

  5. I love the sheep photo BB. Pleased the lamb was attended to at last!

    1. That lamb was VERY relieved - you should have seen the speed it was wagging its tail!

  6. Hope you have caught it in time. I had one more antibiotic to go and coughed and realised infection back. Fortunately I have another course and steroids in house.x

    1. Fingers crossed that I have Jill. My lungs are clearing a bit now and I have a new peak flow meter so can check levels again.


  7. You are doing right..if you are wide awake, do something!

    1. In the past I would have read a book to go back to sleep, but can't do that as putting the light on would wake Keith.

  8. The quilt is really beautiful. I have heard of others having the same sleep problem so you are not alone.

    God bless.

    1. Thank you Jackie. Nearly everyone I speak to is sleeping badly or having dreadful dreams - the stress of the times we are living in.

  9. Replies
    1. Thank you Lizzy. I will be glad when it is finished.

  10. Such a beautiful quilt, the colour combination and fabrics are stunning. Hope you don't need steroids take care.

    1. Glad you like it. The colour combination was my choosing, and the 9-patch blocks was using up fabrics I already had. Some were from a collection of the same patterns in different colourways. Touch wood, staying indoors and off the steroids. Think pollen levels ARE high (early) so I am hoping that they will go early too and I will have June off.

  11. I'm awake till 3 or 4 every night, not a good habit.

    1. Oh Simon, you must feeling like a wet dish rag all day! I will recommend trying Vitamin B tablets sleep. They help me get back to sleep if I wake in the night, and I get off to sleep better too - I think they work on the nervous system.

  12. The quilt is so very beautiful - you are so talented :) I am not sleeping that well here either - sometimes get 7 hours but often only 6 and last night it was less than 5. Struggling to get to sleep and then wake early :( So hope you can sleep better soon. The aquilegias are stunning - you have such a pretty garden and lovely to see the foxglove - they are ahead of ours!! Take care and hope you don't have to resort to steroids.

    1. Since I have been going to patchwork classes, I have improved, but it's concentration - at classes I am always chatting to Pat and don't get much done if it requires concentration!

      Have you tried Vitamin B tablets? I take them daily and it does help my sleep pattern (unless I'm on the dreaded steroids that is). Glad you like my garden. It's looking fab right now.
