

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Some fresh plants in the garden

What a shame yesterday's photos didn't show on my blog (bit of a wasted post!). We will have to drive that route again with my trusty camera as the views were so beautiful.  So, quickly, a short replacement.

This was my "buy me a surprise" plant from the Garden Centre.  Tam chose a nice one and I like the foliage too.  It is a Rhodanthemum, one of the Aster family.  Likes it dry so I may have to overwinter it in the polytunnel.

Tam got a selection of plants to go in the pots by the door - a little Aster and a black Petunia and a white Petunia I didn't take a photo of.

Names escape me as there were no labels (plus I've been awake 3 hours in the night again so brain in neutral) but the Campanula on the right was there already . . .

Here is wee Squeaker being a Cat Adornment by the Zepherin Drouhin rose . . . 

Ghengis being a sofa adornment, along with his Stripey Sidekick, Theo . . .

Finally Alfie, exhausted from hunting baby rabbits . . .

I am feeling groggy from lack of sleep again, but there is Domestic Economy to be done and pollen to be avoided, so I will have to keep inside today.  Last steroid today, so hopefully I will be on the mend again now.


  1. Hope you feel better soon. I haven't been sleeping particularly well either, although that is nothing new, and when it is overcast the groggy foggy feeling always seems to be worse for me.

    Love your pots, I have some very similar but left them behind at my old house. Wish I'd bought them with me...but then knowing how much damage was done to our items by the removers, they may not have arrived in one piece anyway! I keep hunting round the garden hoping I will find some old pot treasures but sadly anything worth while was taken. I was just left with old buoys! I don't like plastic in the garden, so they will have to go at some stage.

    1. Sorry you are feeling a bit groggy like me. Last steroid today so hopefully better after this.

      You have some Pot Buying to look forward to. I hope to take these ones with me though if they are full of soil they won't be light to lift!!

    2. I'd hoped to bring mine, but our movers were not what we were lead to believe...of course I know why now, any negative comments get removed, and all their 'friends' post positive stuff. I had a garden seat that was supposed to be put on the van, as well as a ladder, which when I asked them they said they had packed, which was untrue. Hey you learn eh? It did sour the whole moving experience and even now I get so cross with myself that I picked them, as we were originally going to go with someone else, but somehow got railroaded into using them.

  2. Your lovely cats have cheered up a grey morning!
    Hope you enjoy the plants as they grow through the summer.x

    1. Aren't they sweethearts? Glad they cheered you up.

      It is nice to have some new plants in to replace the leggy finished-flowering winter Pansies.

  3. Good steady downpour all day so far - pleases me after my gardener and I put in so many new plants yesterday. Your cats are a delight.

    1. It's rained most of the day here, but not heavily. The garden has needed it though. Your plants were definitely put in with perfect timing!

  4. Your pots are lovely. I don't have many left now as I forget to put them in the polytunnel over the winter, most of them have succumbed to the frost and cold in the Winter.

    I am sorry to hear that you are not sleeping well, that is hard. I hope finishing the steroids helps.

    I am not sure what device you use for writing your blog posts on but if you click on a photo when you are writing/editing a post screen you get a box which has various options including a size for you photo, adding a caption and removing it, if you knew that already then ignore me!

  5. These came from Morrisons I think it was, quite a few years ago, and are totally frost hardy. I missed out on over 70 hours sleep in the last 17 days, which is a LOT - I'd not added it up before. Slept much better last night and hopefully soon back to normal.

    They have played around with Blogger again and I have had only small photos, or no option to alter size etc. Will have to see if I can move those other photos into storage "somewhere" - will call on our resident daughter to help me. We did it in a rush the other evening.

    1. They have indeed I am just writing my first post in the new editing suite. So to change the size of you photo in this new version you click on the photo, click insert image and you will be given a whole load of options including edit photo (it is the top of the list in mine) when you click on that it will give you the option to resize the photo - hope it works!

    2. I will have to have a little play tomorrow. Just need my brain to be in residence first!
