

Jennie's recipes

Friday 24 July 2020

A little walk in the rain

Just a few photos, mainly other folks' gardens, from our walk around Llanfynydd last week.  Words are thin on the ground here today as I feel rather glum.  "Rather" is a bit of an understatement really . . .

Some lovely plantings in these gardens.  I would have liked to buy in some colourful plants to go under the porch but the prices at the local garden centre were extortionate - I paid £9.99 for a bright purple Celosia caracus to brighten a dark spot in a border.  That's twice what I paid for one last year!  Some of the plants were £14.99 for big daisies!

Anyway, have a good weekend all.


  1. Photos of gardens belonging to other people give me moments of peace. I am envious of the Lady's Mantle in that first picture--difficult to grow here in our hot and humid summers.

  2. It grows like a weed here and if I gave it its head, I would have it growing wall-to-wall!

  3. I love Ladies Mantle but as you say it can take over.

  4. Sorry to hear that your feeling down and hope things improve soon. Your weather obviously isn't helping (and don't even get me started with the news--esp over here), but you did capture some grand photos of garden plantings. Luscious looking.

  5. Hope you feel a little better soon, take care.

  6. Sorry to find you feeling down. I hope the walk around the gardens and that beautiful stream helped.

  7. Lovely gardens. Prices are going crazy. I am going to try and over winter aa few things this year. Considering we sometimes get below -40 C this is the only way to make sure we have savings (other than starting seeds) for the garden next year.

    God bless.

  8. It seems that some price gouging is going on as business are trying to compensate from lack of revenue, Don't worry things will get back to normal one day hopefully next month. I am so sorry about the no show with your house viewing. I have been through this myself when we sold our house in N California. It is sooo stressful and you wonder why bother. I think I have said before that when we were looking to buy ourselves, there were houses that the owners had not bothered to tidy in any way, but they were cheap and in a desirable area etc so you wanted them anyway. ( its all about the money) Then I remember being reduced to tears at the effort one set of owners put in to getting their house ready for us to see. Sadly it had not enough room for our horses, but I would have bought it on the spot otherwise.

  9. While understand why rain on top of everything else might make you glum - your pictures of green and moisture and gardens cheered us no end. F drifted off into imaginings of being able to 'squelch' and having rain drops on eye lashes and the smell of vegetation. Plants that will survive here are cheap but that doesn't seem to stop people stealing them - pulling them out of the garden roots and all.
