

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Busy as a bee

I have my two other castle posts to put up but have been going flat out here.  The people who viewed outside on Monday are coming back on Saturday to view the inside.  Then I have another one on Saturday afternoon, and the agent phoned today and someone who was very keen during Lockdown has booked to view tomorrow.   So I have been deep cleaning the rooms that need it and cleaning windows and paintwork inside and out, dusting and tidying.

When charity shops are open again I will be able to get rid of some more boxes of books, linen etc.  We were very glad to see the scrap man yesterday as we had piles of metal bits from Keith's workshop and couldn't get to the Tip to dispose of them as we are both Shielding and until that is dropped in a couple of weeks, they won't give you an appointment.

So tomorrow is going to be very strange, with everyone wearing masks and viewers told not to touch anything, although of course I will still have to go around afterwards and wipe surfaces down.  I will be putting throws over the two beds in use which can be hung out in the sunshine and then put in the wash on Sunday.

I braved the greengrocery at Abergwili yesterday, mask and gloves on.  They only let one person in as another goes out.  I bought what I needed and then when I got home washed, soaped, stood for a while, and then rinsed 12 apples, 9 oranges, 8 pears, 8 nectarines, 2 mangoes, 2 cucumbers, a melon, and the strawberries and onions went into quarantine.  (Strawberries were in a sealed tub, so just had a wash before eating.)  How strange that we should feel the need to know that our food hasn't been "contaminated" before we bought it - even though I always peel the apples and cucumbers anyway.   Today it was the turn of other vegetables from a delivery, now cleaned and down in the quarantine fridge until they are used.  I am turning into Howard Hughes . . . but I know I am not alone in this.

Right, I shall report back when I have paused for breath tomorrow.  Meanwhile, here's a view to go on with from Dinefwr:

Looking across at Newton House behind the trees, from the castle.


  1. Best of luck with the viewings!

  2. Fingers crossed for you

    1. Thanks gz. My daughter and I have different priorities - me: clean the house (again) from top to bottom, Tam: ooh, there are some little weeds near the tomatoes . . .

  3. I thought the message now was not to use soapy water buto to rinse just in water as there is a substance in soap which is dangerous - might be wrong but it might be worth checking.

    1. Well, the soap is washed off again. My thought was if soap kills the virus on hands, it works for fruit too! Plus I saw a video (American) right at the beginning of the Pandemic which suggested doing this and showed you how!

    2. P.S. When I have plums or anything that would have been sprayed with insecticide, in "normal" times I put them in water/vinegar/lemon juice which breaks down the spray and removes it.

  4. Welcome to the world of those who have OCD

    1. Oh dear - you have my sympathies. We only bought the Saturday newspaper for the first time last week - because of contamination fears. Daft I know, but it helps me sleep at night.

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, the dash to move out of the city has finally got to Wales.

  6. Hoping that the viewings go well.

    God bless.

    1. Thanks Jackie. I shall award myself tomorrow OFF as all the Domestic Economy will be up to date.

  7. Wishing you all the best for the viewings. Hope all goes well.

    You are definitely not alone in the "disinfecting" of food items. The whole thing is so time consuming :( I also still "quarantine" post. Dreadful times we live in :( Goodness only knows when life will ever be "normal" again.

    1. Post still quarantined here too RR. You would not believe the Dettoxing which has just been going on here (in kitchen and bathroom mainly - doors and windows all left open before, during and after viewing). Most of bathroom contents bunged in airing cupboard, from toofbrushes and towels onwards!

      They LOVED the house so let's see how it pans out . . .

  8. Have everything crossed for the viewings.

    1. Thanks Sue. A very positive one today and they came from just outside Salisbury - where I used to work, so we had lots to chat about. Plus cat-lovers too . . . more chat!! Keep those digits crossed!

  9. Wishing you and Keith a quick sale this time around. Lovely scenery pictures.

    1. Hah! There will be panic stations here if anyone needs a quick sale!

  10. Definitely have fingers crossed that one of the viewings results in a buyer.

    1. Well, it depends on his business needs being satisfied. We can only wait and see.
