

Jennie's recipes

Sunday 19 July 2020

It's been a flakey sort of week - here's the progress in the garden anyway

Apologies for the long gap between posts.  I have had a flakey sort of week.  Hopefully my mindset is improving now.  Sometimes everything combines to bring you to your knees. 

Top photo is Ghengis and Little Whale who are having a change from Tamzin's bed and sunbathing on the membrane put down to suppress weeds so that the squashes can get on with growing and producing.

Tam weeded here today.  There are Cucumbers, Courgettes, Rhubarb, Comfrey and peas.  The trellis thingeys are for Tam's cucumbers to climb up.

Greek Gigantes in the background, and Kale just planted.  We should have a good crop of plastic crates this year!

Kestrel spuds at the back behind vine tomatoes with huge frame to climb up, then Hunter Beans foreground left, and Scarlet Emperor runners on the right.

My autumn fruiting raspberries have appreciated the layer of sheep and donkey muck heap .. .

The blue flowers are Borage which have self seeded themselves everywhere this year.  In front of them are the main crop potatoes - Maris Peer and King Edwards.

Finally, a work in progress.  I've hacked back some of the nettles and brambles on the right, but have yet to proceed to the Himalayan Balsam as I know it is where the Horse Flies like to lurk .. .

We finally got to the beach this week, so I will put some photos up from Llansteffan in the next couple of days.


  1. So productive. I have Angelica and dont know what on earth to do with it if anything.

    1. I used to have it in my original herb garden here, but never did candy it as I intended!

  2. Hope you have a better week. Your garden looks so productive. Cats always know the best spot to rest.

    1. Thanks Jean - slightly more rounded this week than last. The garden's been doing well but the potatoes needed better-fed soil so we will manure it heavily in autumn. Cats are definitely good at finding the best place!

  3. Missed your photos of latest outings, always glorious. Plenty of vegetables this year, you and Tam must have been very busy.

    1. I have gotten so behind with walks and recently outings. Have a couple more to put up including a walk across to Dinefwr Castle. The veg has come on well and we are starting to eat the bigger things now.

  4. Well I can see from your photographs that you have certainly not been idle.

    1. Isn't it funny, there are days when I am cross with myself for "not doing enough" outside, but it has all grown despite me! Tam makes sure the weeds are plucked out regularly too.

  5. Hope you feel better this week. Your vegetables look really good and I look forward to the beach photos.

    1. Better thanks RR. I just hit a sort of Covid brick wall. Will put the beach photos up tomorrow.

  6. Had a bit of a flakey sort of week myself, so know what you mean. Admiring your garden. I limit mine to deck container plants (variety of tomatoes and peppers, basil, lemon thyme, lemon balm, a couple of different lavender, parsley, bay). Our summer heat and humidity (currently feels like 40c and it isn't even Noon) make having a large garden beyond my idea of a good time. Glad you were able to get to the beach. Looking forward to your photos.

    1. Yes, suddenly it hits you and the world impinges on your life . . . Cheered me up when our other daughter and our son came to visit last week - not that we can hug them yet.

      You sound to have the right sort of gardening for the temps you get. I am definitely needing to downsize my garden when we move.

  7. Your garden is impressive! Where are you moving, and when?


    1. We hope to move to Herefordshire, a couple of counties N-E of here, but it may end up that we stay in Wales. As to when? Who knows? We keep getting townies viewing - for the price of a London flat they can afford our smallholding - but they don't know about country living and get put off by the dairy farm next door.

  8. What a glorious mass of green growing things. Your garden is doing very well.

    God bless.

    1. It has suddenly taken off. I'll be glad when the beans are there to start eating.

  9. A flakey sort of week, I totally get that and the world impinging on life. Your garden looks amazing so green and so much growth. You must have warmer temperatures than me though if you can grow courgettes and cucumbers outside, they have to stay in the polytunnel here otherwise there would be no fruit. I bet you are looking forward to those meals where you can make a whole meal using home grown produce, they are the best kind aren't they.

    1. The world is sticking a large lever in our otherwise quiet life. Yes, we can normally grow cucumbers and courgettes outside, but that said, both are a bit slow off the mark this year.

      Yes, we've had a few meals where two vegetables are from the garden but none totally reliant on produce yet,. They are indeed the best kind.
