

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 9 July 2020

Today's baking

That's 5 ounces of the preserved stem ginger in syrup, drained and coarsely chopped.

My mixture was a bit soft, so I have very moist cookies, which suits Keith at the moment, as he had to have a toof out on Monday (it had broken completely in half).  

Lemon and Blueberry Loaf.  It can have a lemon drizzle on the top but Keith didn't want that.  I was baking at 5.30 this morning, having woken early, dreaming of baking . . .

Finally, after I had remade our bed and vacuumed our bedroom, I decided to get rid of the HUGE cobweb across the bathroom window sill.  I vacuumed up a long-dead spider as I did so, moved the nozzle of the hose to the last bit of web and a MASSIVE spider scuttled towards me.  Reader, I must confess, I SCREAMED!!!  This is HE . . . and he was FAST!!


  1. Your recipes always make me hungry as they look so delicious. I've never had preserved stem ginger and wonder if our closest small town sells it. What, if anything would make a good substitute? Keith is one lucky guy to enjoy your baked treats. That is one huge spider and over here we have some close to that size.

    1. The make I use is Opies Stem Ginger in Syrup. I hope you can find it or something similar. You can make your own but it is a long business and you need to get exactly the right ginger- not too old or it will be like boiled leather! I know he is lucky (I'm wasted on him!!) - but HE doesn't think he is. He uses the excuse "too sweet" (this means too fattening) for just about anything I make, yet will drink Mead (which is sickeningly sweet) because he likes to think of his few Viking roots!!!

  2. The baking looks good! I have some ginger in the fridge to use up. I love ginger cookies - in fact anything with ginger in it! The spiders does look huge!! I don't mind spiders but when they start running out of places straight towards you they do make you jump!!

    1. Thank you RR. These are really good cookies. . .

      The spider is now cwtched up in the fold of the curtain. I shall not be pulling the curtains any time soon!

  3. It's the scuttle that does it with spiders. They are probably all coming in because it is cold outside. Your baking as always looks delicious.

  4. Perhaps they're coming in for the baking!!!

  5. Couldnt the man of the house get rid of that spider for you - I always thought that was on the list of the reasons why we marry. Bikkies look delicious.

  6. My son was the one for spider-removal, oh and BATS - he would use two paper plates with great success and live-release! Bikkies a bit too nice for their own good really . . .

  7. This is a Yum and Yikes post! Yum for the delicious looking treats and yikes for the spider.

    1. Haha! The spider has now disappeared from sight, which I am happy about.

  8. My goodness lemon and blueberry loaf sounds delicious. I haven't any blueberries or I would be making that one.

    1. You could probably use blackberries. The lemon is what gives it flavour. I used less sugar and no drizzle (to please Keith) and so it was very lemony.
