

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 20 August 2020

Starting the harvest

The Damson crop.  Half got left on the tree as recent rain (v. heavy rain overnight) caused them to split.  Some I couldn't reach, so the wasps and birds will do well out of this.  I've had two juvenile Thrushes helping themselves this week.)

Windfall apples and the first of the blackberries from the bottom of the yard - no mileage at all on these!  They were soon cooked up into the first blackberry and apple of the season - oh my, it smelt so good . . .

Chantenay Carrots - I wish I had planted more (may try for a quick second crop).  We had some with tea and O.M.G. they are 100 times better than anything you buy.

The first courgette - yes, really (we had to sow them 3 times!) and more tomatoes from the polytunnel.

On-going baby spring onions.

Some of the two different plums from our young orchard in the paddock.

My Hydrangeas were given some donkey and sheep poo muck heap this year - and grew ENORMOUS flowers.  Hope they keep their colour a bit.

There are of course mountains of beans (Hunter and runner) too, but you know what those look like!

Right, now I am going to rest with a glass of cider.  I haven't stopped all day.


  1. Thats loads done. I like to paint Hydrangeas when they are dried. We have had good flower heads this year must be my pruning!

  2. Oooh, what medium do you use to paint them Jill? Might give that a try.

  3. Isn't it good when you have days like that.

    1. Lifts the spirits, even if just temporarily.

  4. What a great harvest, a taste of summer through the Winter months delicious.

    1. Indeed. The apples last us past Christmas and sometimes into February.

  5. A bountiful harvest, most of my stuff grown in big pots have done well, but wretched large brown slugs got the runner beans.

  6. Your harvest of fruits and vegetables looks delicious. Never tried damsons. What do they taste like? The hydrangeas are lovely. After your busy day it should be time for a cool drink and put your feet up. Have a good weekend!

    1. Damsons are for cooking only as they are sharp, and even when stewed up they are still quite tart. Better for putting with alcohol or in jam.

  7. BB, you have a wonderful haul there, fantastic and so yummy looking. My courgettes are sooo small!x

    1. We have Dainty Courgettes, and a Dainty Pattypan squash too (Tam likes them small rather than overwhelming!) so you're not alone. They weren't happy this year.

  8. Lovely produce from your garden. I do love damson jam - my favourite if I can get hold of damsons! Our courgettes failed this year :( Have brought home about 8 large cooking apples from the little tree at the caravan. It is producing a lot of apples for such a small tree!

    1. A shame you don't live nearer RR. Glad you have some produce from the caravan plot.

  9. I admire so much folk who can grow their own food

    1. Me too - I am lucky if it grows for me, rather than skilled! The fruit grows despite me.
