

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 11 August 2020

Weary and woebegone


I picked some flowers from the garden yesterday to cheer up the hall. The roses are only just starting to think about a 2nd bloom so I had to look elsewhere, including the pretty Mimulus which I wouldn't normally think of picking.

Three very different lots of buyers - the first ones were most suitable for the house and the house for them, being an extended family.  The middle ones had a business plan and the last ones didn't seem to know quite what they wanted but were here because of being priced out of England.  The husband seemed to think that Covid was a figment of the imagination.

I am totally exhausted now - I was still awake at 2.30 a.m. and lay watching the flashes of sheet lightening in the distance.  I won't be doing much today.

We seem to have lost the people who told the agents they were going to offer.  Ah well.  Perhaps I should take a leaf out of Theo's book, he knows how to relax . . .


  1. Sorry to hear that you've been let down again. I'm still crossing fingers

    1. We will have to hope our luck changes - for the better!

  2. Hope some good offers come your way. The bouquet is lovely,

    1. The bouquet worked out quite well but I will need to refresh it for tomorrow's viewing. Hoping we get an offer from the people we WANT to have it - soon.

  3. So sorry to hear everything is still up in the air especially after no more news from those who were thinking of making an offer. It must all be so soul destroying and disheartening. Your flowers in the jug look so pretty. Try and relax a bit and be kind to yourself.

    1. I have no expectations any more RR - that way I can't have my hopes dash. I just show people round, answer questions but not I am not over-anxious and desperate as someone had the temerity to suggest - she was not, after all, a blardy fly on the wall. Our relaxation yesterday did NOT work out well as you will read shortly!

  4. House selling can be so wearing... I hope you have some buyers soon, goodness, it is not like you haven't been waiting long enough! Yes good idea to take a leaf out of Theo's book... pretty much all I have managed the last few days, it has been so jolly hot!

    1. I can cope as long as they aren't Covid-denyers . . . I didn't feel safe in my house any more after THAT viewing as I didn't know what had been touched by the child, so constant hand-washing here.

    2. So inconsiderate! You really do have to wonder about the mentality of some people. When viewing another person's home, they should be respectful and take extra precautions, particularly at this particular point in time.

  5. Replies
    1. Even THAT'S not easy today Jill as it is SO humid.

  6. The covid doesn't exist crew are doing my head in

    1. Me too Simon - the husband of a friend is fighting for his life as we speak . . .

  7. Theo looks very comfortable. I will continue to cross my fingers for you.

    God bless.

    1. They all like "beds" like that trug, and have little Pussycat Couchettes in the long grass about the place.

  8. I, the Tigger, think Theo is the second most handsome cat I have ever seen. Striped perfection. Mr T.

    1. He IS rather gorgeous but can be Very Naughty! If I'm not quick enough with his grub, I get a tap on the leg with a paw . . .

  9. The vase flowers look beautiful, it's crocosmia isn't it. Hope you are feeling less woebegone ;)

  10. Crocosmia yet - we have a big scarlet one too but that's gone over now.

    Less woebegone today but oh dear, the Bit In Between was NOT GOOD.
