

Jennie's recipes

Wednesday 30 September 2020

Yet another non-starter in Powys . . .


A lovely old cottage in Myddfai.

Another pleasant day out yesterday, driving not so deep into Powys and only one property to view (as the 2nd one had gone under offer the day after we asked to view).  The scenery was gorgeous again and the house in a village, and not TOO far off the beaten track.  However, the downside of the property was obvious when we arrived.  You drove past a few cottages on a narrow tarmaced lane and then there was a little green hill (with a few slate slabs sticking through in places).  As we drove up the little green hill I laughingly said, "Gosh, I wouldn't like to have to reverse back down here."  This turned out to be a self-fulfilling prophecy as when we got to the top, a small blue car was getting stuck in the grass and mud as a previous viewer tried to turn around.  The agent's car was of course taking up the only real parking/turning space . . .  We reversed, as it was obvious no-one was going anywhere!  I had to park down in the village.

The cottage itself was a project - it had been hideously decorated but the actual room sizes weren't too bad and there was a downstairs bathroom and en-suite which is a good idea with an eye to the future.  Approachable staircase, upstairs sitting room (in egg-yolk yellow, ceiling as well!). All the bathroom suites needed replacing. It had a paddock too but getting to that with anything bigger than a skinny sheep was problematical.  The garden was extremely overgrown and steep behind the house - needed terracing - and in front v. overgrown and nowhere for veg really.  FANTASTIC views, really lovely.  It was very Tam (whose choice this one was) and I could see its potential, but for Keith and I the approach was a complete and utter deal-breaker, despite the agent assuring us we could take down the hedge and enlarge the parking/turning area.  All very well except when we checked on the Google earth photo, that would be on Next Door's land!!!

We came back via Hay to see the agent who had shown us the house we were trying to buy (sold 6 weeks ago) - we were trying to buy the other half but apparently the people who had bought it were trying to raise the money for that too.   We were gutted.  

Just one more to see now and if that isn't right, we are going to be in rented accommodation, and that is the last thing we want . . .


  1. I suppose part of a listing agent's job is the attempt to show a property in photos as better than it appears in person. My thought [from some experience] is that this is a waste of time for the home owner, the agent, and the prospective buyer.
    Dreadful paint choices [and those as shown were certainly 'unique!'] can be corrected--other things cannot. Seems like it often comes down to what features one can live with, what can be corrected, price, location, etc. Renting would be such a disappointment after your long wait to sell.

    1. Absolutely Sharon. Paintwork we can do. New windows to let in light. Lighter carpeting etc. Location - can't change that! The agents have been doing a good job in "enhancement" so far - we wait to see if the honesty and integrity of this agent I spoke to regarding the next house has put its case well . . .

  2. So sorry you had another viewing with a house that sounds a lot less than perfect. I do hope the last one is more what you are looking for. Really feel for you at the moment and so hope it doesn't come down to rented accommodation.

    1. They always promise a lot or we wouldn't go to view, but until you see them in the flesh . . . Trying to be positive still, but there were tears earlier on . . .

  3. Do hope things work out BB - you just dont need all this stress at this time - there is enough going on in the world.

    1. I am just a gasp away from another Panic Attack at the moment Pat. Got in a state earlier on when I managed to shut myself inside the place where I had taken a sample of our water for testing. I was in such a blind panic that I couldn't get out, I failed to take in the notice on the door, pointing to the button to press to get out!!

  4. I know you don't want rented..but just think, no chain...

    1. No chain gz, but our money would be going out in bucketfuls - cats alone over £200 a week to be in a cattery (on top of £600 to get the 4 of them the innoculations needed to go to the cattery). Similar amount for storage too, then our rental . . .

  5. Such a shame but don't give up, there is a house for you somewhere.

    1. I just hope and pray it comes our way soon . . .

  6. Maybe the google map is not accurate of the property lines and you can take down the hedge.

  7. I so hope you find something perfect and don't have to go into rental accommodations.

    God bless.
