

Jennie's recipes

Tuesday 20 October 2020

Feeling a tad Overwhelmed


I am feeling a bit overwhelmed and on my hunkers this afternoon.  Yet another long busy day, making decisions about books which I can bear to part with (but would rather not if given a choice), taking 5 boxes of books to a charity shop this morning, along with craft things and odds and sods. Another 6 are going tomorrow, so that will be over 30 now. 

    This morning we took rubber stable mats along to give to our smallholding friend, along with Tam's grooming kit in its purple box (happy horsey memories), and also gave her some windfall Pears, and a huge bag of apples and some pears to the lass who milks for Next Door.  Both were delighted.

    There are more phone calls, another chap came to quote on something and now with the added looming Welsh Lockdown to put a complete spanner in the works. At least during Lockdown we can get on and sort more stuff out and hopefully get on top of it.  I have booked another Tip Trip for Thursday, so after we have our flu jabs, and a short rest tomorrow, we will sort out what is going to the Tip from the pony stables.

    Tam is cooking our tea tonight - we got an M&S meal deal yesterday and ate the Tart au Citron part of it with lunch!  Yummy it was too.  Tea is a Chicken, Leek and Bacon Pie and Tenderstem Broccoli.  There is a bottle of Rose for later.

    Whilst we were in town yesterday, I treated Keith and I to a magazine each, and mine was Homes and Antiques which had some lovely ideas in for decorating possibilities in our new home.  Then we went Christmas shopping (!!!) briefly in TK Maxx and I got Keith and I bamboo socks (his are to go towards his birthday present) and some edible presents for a very aged aunty (96 now, what do you buy a 96 year old?) We were very careful and wore our masks of course, tried not to touch anything and had hand gel on multiple times.  

    When we went into M&S as Tam had a voucher to spend, there was a father in front of us (on his mobile), not social distancing, and allowing his 6 or 7 yr old son to touch everything - he must have touched just about EVERY leaf and flower of every plant offered for sale there.  I said, loud enough to be heard, "Remind me not to buy flowers in here" to Tam.  Yeesh.  Much hand gel and hand washing when we got home, and clothes into quarantine (jacket) or wash (sweatshirt).  I will be glad when we aren't going out again, tbh . . .

    Right, I am being called for my evening meal so will leave you with this photo from a recent walk - it used to be called the "swing bridge" and we still call it that, although as you can see, it is very solid now!!



  1. Hang on in there you are doing fine. x

    1. Thank you my dear - some days it's a bit sinking or waving though!!

  2. You are doing a really really good job and it will all get done eventually. Hope you can relax a little over that bottle of rose. That is awful about that child touching everything in sight :(

    1. Thanks RR. We relaxed nicely - a good glass with the - excellent - meal and then finished it off whilst watching another episode of the slightly scary The Third Day.

      As for the child touching everything, well, I knew there was a valid reason for Chernobling all my shopping!!

  3. I went out to Walgreens and Petco for the first time and it was exhausting ! I only just started to see the doctors ! When I come home I washed my clothes and took a shower. Now I will wait and see if all is well.
    Good luck with your books I am trying to clean my studio and toss/give away many art supplies.
    It will be better.

    1. It's quite scary to be around people again - I'm ok when it's properly controlled - M&S had a one out, one in policy which is sensible. We try to avoid supermarkets but the Co-op in Builth last week was empty.

      Well done on your studio clean out.

  4. You are really doing well. I think that some people just don't believe that this virus is as dangerous as it really is.

    God bless.

    1. Well, it terrifies me so I shall carry on being as careful as possible. Sorting out is tiring though.

  5. You are doing so much right now and have so much to think about that I am not surprised you are feeling overwhelmed. I hope you are able to have times in your days to do things that are nourishing and not overwhelming, we need those things too to make things a little more easeful (my new word that I am using a lot right now).

    1. I am having an easeful few moments at the beginning and end of the day trying to finish the last of the Eleanor of Aquitane books I've been reading (a trio), but am going flat out in between . . .

  6. I am sure you are now desperate to get moved and settled in BB - such a stressful time for you all.

    1. Absolutely Pat. I just want the world to stop, so I can get off! I will be happier when certain things come to pass, but getting to our new home is the one thing which hopefully will take all the pressure off.

  7. Oh, I have such a hard time parting with books. Mostly because as I sit down to go through them, I generally have to glance through them...and one thing leads to thing you know, I'm half way though a book and have accomplished very little.

    1. I didn't DARE to look properly at the ones I was getting rid of. It is my biggest regret about moving, having to part with reference books I wanted to keep, but I must confess, I had far too many . . .
