

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 8 October 2020

Having to Get Organized!


Looking up the Towy Valley from Dryslwyn Castle.

Jobs for today - buying a giant roll of bubble-wrap and then trying to decide WHICH boxes offer the best value and how many of the dang things we will NEED (trying not to think of books - apple boxes from Abergwili perhaps . . .)  Anyone moved recently who can advise on boxes?!!!

       I have to check out removal companies.  Just had a chap round for a quote, but need a comparison as I don't think he has the level of expertise or insurance coverage.  Update: have called for quotes from two removal firms who are in the "best 3" recommended in our area. It will be dearer, but I just want it all to be as stress-free as possible.

    I have had two nights with scarcely any sleep - first one my lower back and hips were cranky and I couldn't drop off, and everything was going through my mind.  Last night our plumber called to put one of our bedroom radiators back on the wall (a picture fell on it during Lockdown - screws only went into the lime plaster and didn't reach the stone wall.)  As Rhys was here for an hour, we decamped elsewhere overnight - even though the window was open and he had a mask on.  Better safe than sorry.  I got the sofa as the spare bed in the master suite needs a new mattress.  I found it so hard to sleep though - back and hips still v. sore and the sofa breaks into two for removal and my hips were on the bit where it joins!

   I really MUST get my accounts finished and submitted and that's it, end of trading for us.  It will just be "getting rid" after that.  I have to do this now as we may not have internet for a few weeks once we've moved, so I am getting organized.  Right, I must away and make some more phone calls.


  1. You can always buy cardboard boxes by the way, just google..............

    1. We have been googling them - comparing against the "pack" you get from Wilko and then various eBay offers. We are bound to need many many more than we think, that's for certain!

  2. Some companies provide packing boxes, whilst others offer a packing service. Worth a few phone calls.

    1. I've got two more removals companies coming out to give a quote, so will ask them, but I know it's very much more expensive if they provide the boxes and pack for you.

  3. You're still packing--so that means good news re progress on property sale!

    1. Touching wood here but it seems to be going through . . .

  4. Whisky boxes and wine boxes are good...strong enough and not too big to get too heavy.
    Wishing you good packing..and unpacking!!

    1. I will see if the place in Nott Square wot sells both whisky and wine might have some to spare!

  5. Replies
    1. I'll try Pat. Have to go out for a walk when my head feels like exploding though!

  6. Garages often get car parts delivered in bubblewrap -big pieces- saves lots of money on buying the stuff, also the plastic crates they deliver fruit in are great boxes as well,if you have a wholesaler near you, but as others have said most removal companies will sell you boxes and buy them back from you after the move for less than you paid for them.
    I downsized five years ago and if I could go back in time and advise myself I would tell myself to be absolutely ruthless when chucking out and start packing as soon as I could . Foolishly I left it until I was absolutely sure the sale would go through, which was too late and made the move and the period after it far more stressful than it need have been.
    The very best of luck, I love your blog - you write so evocatively and I hope you will be very happy in your new home.

    1. I ordered a roll of bubble wrap but will ask at the garage next to our PO and see if they have more - brilliant idea JP, Thankyou. We are going to go to Abergwili to see what we can glean from them too as they always have lots of boxes. We need a sack of spud from them anyway.

      I didn't know that removal companies sold you boxes and then bought them back! so we will hang fire on buying any.

      We are going through stuff and trying to pack already. Can't start too soon with the amount we have here!

      I am glad you like my blog. I used to write more eloquently, but times have been stressful in recent years - none worse than this one! - and so I hope once we move, I will get my writing mojo back again.

  7. I shall be so glad when it's over and done with, but I think Christmas will pass in a blur this year - we weren't going to do much this Christmas because it's not safe to have our other grown up children home for Christmas. When there is a vaccine, we can have Christmas-in-May or something.

  8. our removal companies have all provided boxes which we packed. All will ask for smaller boxes for books as they are heavy. I do not remember paying for boxes as they collected them once they were empty.

    1. We last moved 32 years ago and from memory, we provided the boxes. Small boxes for books a great idea (why didn't I think of that?!)

  9. I was going to mention liquor boxes as that is what we have used in our moves.

    God bless.

    1. Another one for liquor boxes - thanks Jackie. It is soon going to be cardboard box central here!

  10. Removal Companies... make sure they have the appropriate insurance...I thought ours did, but I suspect not as it turns out with their refusal to accept responsibility for our broken and damaged furniture. Anything extra special, one of a kind type furniture - take thorough 'before' photos so you can prove it was undamaged! If I had our time again to move, I would move ourselves, even if it took several days to do it. I was devastated not only by the damage done, but the removals company refusal to accept responsibility. Especially with regards, our special Kauri Coffee table which is irreplaceable. Make sure you get REAL reviews, not those posted on facebook - as I found out the group I was on remove any negative comments, and the friends of the removal company posted positive comments regardless of whether they had used them or not. Turns out I discovered quite a few people had been 'stung' by them.

    Good luck with your move and packing, I am sure it will go well (
