

Jennie's recipes

Thursday 29 October 2020

I Surrender


Hercules aircraft flying across our valley (as they regularly do).

Another busy day.  First thing Keith and I braved the weather and had a walk along by the river, which was speeding merrily towards Carmarthen Bay. The leaves were spinning off the beech trees, all the colour of good bay horses and shining with rain.  I noticed that the Betony was still in bloom on the riverbank - little purple notes of summer joy.

    I managed to delay my breakfast until gone 10.30 today (it helps with weight loss to eat in a restricted time period), then I cooked up more windfall apples and pears, and made a Lemon Drizzle Cake.  Then just when that came out of the oven I put the temperature up and 10 mins later put in a tray of Cheese scone wedges.  Oh my!  These are SO tasty.  I also baked an extra large loaf of Granary bread, but that was in the breadmaker so just a case of putting the ingredients on and setting the menu. 

     This afternoon Tam and I went back to the top of the house to finish sorting out what is to keep, what is for charity and what is rubbish.  From now on in I just have to surrender to whatever has to be gotten rid of (but I have squirrelled away the other half of my West Country books - Shhhhhhhhhh!)

     Danny's DVD's are all in a box for him to collect when he is able, and his books in a box on one side too.  Tam and I finished sorting in the sleepover room - there was a LOT more in there than I remember.  I went through another box of fabrics and have shed another black bin liner full which will be going to Alex, who teaches us patchwork, along with the patchwork magazines I am shedding, and several boxes of GOOD books for the charity shelf in our community-run shop/PO at Court Henry.  When I went out for the paper this morning (hoping to catch Alex) I dropped off two bags of patchwork and knitting books and another bag of apples to Mair, who is another patchwork group member and she was delighted.  She makes lots of jams, chutneys and cakes with the apples.

      So now we have two rooms done up there now, which is very pleasing.  Yet more things to go to the charity shop or bin, but we have an awful lot of bedding which we need to sort through.  There is a limit to how many duvets and pillows and bed quilts you need.  I stripped the spare bed, now that no-one is viewing, and downsizing the super kingsize duvet cover will be a job for when we have moved.

    Dusk seemed to come very early tonight - by 5 p.m. it was quite gloomy outside.  Ah well, another day nearer to the shortest day - let's think positive!

    Tomorrow morning first thing I have to take Ghengis to the vet's as he has cystitis again- I am finding it hard to get the specific Urinary care biscuits, so he has been on the Senior Cat ones instead.  I've just checked Amazon and ordered some from there to give me time to source them locally.  He also has a sore eye - it looked weepy this morning, then better this afternoon, and now worse again, so that will get sorted too.  Poor chap.




  1. I am so happy for you that things are moving along !! I know how hard it is to let go of stuff. I have a lot of things taht have no meaning to anyone else but me up in the attic. That is how my husband and I have lost a tremendous amount of weight by fasting unintentionally. I have lost 22 pounds We do not eat breakfast or dinner just lunch and snack in the evening if we are desperate. It certainly saves on dishes and food buying. We eat food that are non carbs ( no potatoes, bread, sugar etc ( I use honey for tea and coffee) and high in fat. We do not feel the need to eat much because of the fat. As in butter,cheese,bacon eggs, full cream etc.

    1. My food consumption has been Bad this week due to stress over the further survey etc. Too Much Chocolate! That's what the body demands when one is sleep-deprived.

      I have lost half a stone over the summer, but need to lose another stone . . .

      Happier to have let go another 5 boxes of books (good ones) to our local community shop today as the best ones will be listed on eBay to make a better price than the ones which go into the shop for a donation. A cancer charity and another good charity benefit.

  2. It is nice that you have places for your things to go. Everything I have just goes to the Goodwill store, or if it is small, there is a little windowed box in front of the church, where people can pick up things that they can use. My kids have made it clear that I have nothing at all that they are interested in. One generation's treasure is the next generation's trash, I guess. At least here. Glad things don't seem quite so overwhelming for you.

    1. Well at the moment during Lockdown here, all charity shops (and the Tip) are shut, so I just have to pile stuff up. Our better pieces of furniture have been spoken for by the children. Tam especially likes "old stuff".

  3. You are moving right along with the cleaning up and down sizing. I hope things keep moving right along for you.

    Your kitty looks so much like our Shania. She managed to live with us for 20+ years and we finally had to say goodbye this summer.

    God bless.

    1. A couple of days without much being done because of going to the vet's and the GP's, but sorted some wood today.

      Sorry to hear that you lost your old cat Shania this summer. I bet she has left aching hearts behind.

  4. Poor Ghengis! Urinary issues in cats are so difficult to treat. And taking a cat to the vet in the midst of your uproar is yet one more worry and an appointment to keep. I can only cheer on the sorting, shedding and packing from a distance--with heart-felt sympathy!

    1. I had to order Urinary kibble on Amazon and that arrived today. I will save it just for him. At the vet's they came out, asked the necessary question and then took him inside. He was as good as gold, as always, bless him. Mending now.

      You have done lots of moves just since I've known you, so you will know what we're going through here!

  5. Sounds as if the clearing is going well.
    have a good day. Hope the vet visit isn't too costly

    1. Well, I'm surprised to have achieved so much so far. I have Tam for help though and she's very organized. Vet visit cost me £50 though!!

  6. I do hope Ghengis feels better soon. You are certainly doing a brilliant job with your decluttering :) I make a Mary Berry recipe for cheese scone wedges and it is delicious especially with home made tomato soup. :)

    1. He is on the mend now RR. The cheese scones disappeared in short order - they are so more-ish.

  7. That Hercules photo reminds me of a wartime Powell and Pressburger film.

    1. I'll take your word for that Tom. They fly over the house regularly.

  8. Poor old Ghenghis, animals hate the vet and it doesn't do much for your pocket either! My vet charged £11 for my last visit with Lucy. She had gone for nails to be trimmed and he took her off for 20 minutes to check her health. I think he must have taken pity on me.
